Megara Shared Parameters Remover

Megara Shared Parameters Remover

Sistema operacional:


This App adds a long-awaited feature, Batch Remove Shared Parameters, to Autodesk® Revit® families RFA files.



  1. Recursive Families Search Engine: It automatically locates and processes all your Revit families under your root folder and its subfolders. 
  2. Dynamic Parameters List File: No need for special files, just a notepad with desired parameters names line by line
  3. The app supports Removing Type or Instance parameter
  4. You can choose the Target Parameters group
  5. The program shows the progress bar and current family being processed. You have the right to keep an eye on your automatic bot after all.
  6. Automatically upgrades old families from previous Revit versions
  7. Fast families processing and parameters removal. It works in the background. It skips the time needed for presentation and rendering.
  8. Automatic Report Generation creates a log file on your desktop.



  • This bot loves showing up, it notes down the time it started and when it finished its work.
  • It loves to work in peace so you'll have to leave your Revit program till it finishes its work.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 2.5, 25/11/2021
Added Support to Revit 2022

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Comentários dos clientes

2 revisões
Obter ajuda técnica
  • Parameter Removal
    Alan Albery | maio 09, 2017 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Outstanding product for removal of old or outdated parameters! If your parameters are changing to meet the needs of your schedules, this tool will allow you to delete those pesky outdated parameters that you no longer need. Great Tool! Get the Information out of your BIM, a must have tool in the REVIT toolbox!

  • Removes Parameters
    Tyler Tonjum | fevereiro 20, 2017 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    This app does what it says it will do, it is an effective tool for managing project parameters and helped us out with standardizing our schedules.

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