Align CAD
Sistema operacional:


The plugin allows you to align your imported or linked CAD files automatically to a fixed common point in your project.


It's built for Autodesk® Revit® users when starting a new project for saving time in aligning DWG files.


It can be difficult when aligning DWG files manually in our projects by moving each file to the target point. That repetitive work takes a lot of time and effort, especially when working on a multiple floor project. This plugin was made for that aim, with two clicks you can automatically align your CAD files by selecting the DWG file first and the reference point in the second click then all your files will be aligned in the origin of the project.


When using this Plug-in, try not to select any element other than the DWG file, anyway the plugin, in most cases, does not allow you to select other elements (beams, columns, doors ...).

Sobre esta versão

Versão 1.0.0, 07/11/2022
It is the first version of this plugin.

Capturas de tela e vídeos

3D Vue and Sections

Comentários dos clientes

4 revisões
Obter ajuda técnica
  • revit tool
    mostapha bounjoum | março 11, 2024 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    nice tool and good job mr abdelhak 

  • Amazing tool
    Ouhdoud Abdelaali | março 06, 2023 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    Very useful tool, good job

  • small fix
    vaclav novotny | novembro 21, 2022 Download confirmado (O que é isto?)

    good to fix modeling errors

  • New BIM
    Fatima Aboubane | novembro 09, 2022


    Align CAD is a very interesting application for developing a 3D model with building information modeling at a high level.
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