Auditorium Maker 2017 Paid Version

Auditorium Maker 2017 Paid Version

Digitally signed app



The process of Auditorium seating layout and design can be time-consuming. Every time a layout changes, one must be able to see how those changes impact the spectators. Even though there are tools like the array tool, this still leaves a lot to be desired when editing or creating a seating layout.

Auditorium Maker allows you to sketch a layout for seating and optimize the layout for maximum efficiency. It can automatically label seats, rows, seating sections. It supports varying seat widths in the same row. It can easily create a camera view from the spectator's seat and label the view for client presentations and design testing.

The software includes the necessary families. You can customize them to your needs and use your own as you wish. With a simple sketch using model lines, you can generate and layout seating much faster than possible manually or using the array tool.

We hope you enjoy this software and it satisfies your needs. Please contact us by email if you would like to let us know how we can improve.

See tutorials on Website


This app provides 14 days of trial with full functionality. After the trial period is over, you can activate it just like the instructions here


For the trial version of this app- Auditorium Maker Trial Version


Note: The app will install only if .Net Framework 4.6.1 is installed. Please install it from the below link. 


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Сведения об этой версии

Версия, 12.08.2020
Same installer as web site download for simpler product support and updates.

Скриншоты и видео

Рецензии клиентов

  • Great tool!
    M Design | мая 04, 2017

    I can see our sports department using this plugin. The sight line video sound quality is not as clear as the others and the piano song in the back is distracting. Overall very promissing.
