

Tag My Columns is an application for Autodesk® Revit®. This tool allows you to number an automated label to columns in a project by filtering by family name. You can define a prefix and a suffix for the numbering and choose which parameter will receive the numbering calculated by the command.


By default, automatic numbering of the X and Y axes is done from left to right and top to bottom, but it is possible to change this setting according to project specifications.


With this tool, you can quickly and conveniently number the columns in a project(e.g., mark, comment), streamlining the production of structural project documentation.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0.0, 13.12.2023
Initial Release.

Скриншоты и видео

Рецензии клиентов

1 рецензия
Техническая поддержка
  • Very usefull
    Neder Schabib Péres | декабря 08, 2023 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    A simple but effective tool, I've easily numbered multiple columns in my project, saved a lot of time!
