Get Material


Get Material is a handy tool designed to streamline your workflow by swiftly identifying and extracting material information from selected faces within your digital environment. This app offers a seamless solution to enhance your productivity.


Simply select the desired face, and the app will promptly analyze its composition, providing you with clear indications regarding its material status. No more guessing or manual inspection required – Get Material streamlines the process, saving you valuable time and effort.


This enables you to seamlessly paste the material name into the material parameter of any elements within your project by using the convenient Ctrl+V shortcut. Say goodbye to the hassle of navigating through extensive material libraries – with Get Material, you can apply materials efficiently and without interruption.


Key Features:

  • Simplify the process of applying materials by pasting the copied material name directly into material parameters.
  • Enhance productivity and streamline workflow in the projects.
  • Intuitive interface for seamless navigation and ease of use.


Experience the convenience and efficiency of Get Material – your go-to solution for material identification and application. Download now and revolutionize your workflow!


Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0.1, 15.05.2024
Added 2025 support.

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2 оценки
Техническая поддержка
  • genial
    Hector Henriquez | июня 12, 2023 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    lo que necesitaba

    Changhan Shen (Разработчик) | июня 12, 2023

    Me alegro de que te ayude. Gracias por la calificación de cinco estrellas.

  • great time saver
    Nick Smit | февраля 17, 2023 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    copy a material name from elsewhere in the model to paste in the instance material textbox without haveing to open the material library

    Changhan Shen (Разработчик) | февраля 23, 2023

    You're welcome Nick and thank you for the 5-star rating.
