RQuick Select Trial (2018-2022)
Quick Select command for Autodesk® Revit® to select by element type and its properties. Expand the element or family type and select the properties that you wish to filter by. Click OK and all those elements will be selected.
When in “Or” mode, the command will select all elements that match any of the properties.
When in “And” mode, the command will only select elements that match all the selected properties.
Note that if you have any elements selected when you initially run the command, there will be a prompt to only use the selected objects. Use this to select from a particular view or narrow down your selection.
This Paid version of the app is available here: https://apps.autodesk.com/RVT/en/Detail/Index?id=1870963619496442237&appLang=en&os=Win64
This is a 15 day trial. After 15 days the app should be purchased to continue using.
please update to REVIT 2021, thank you
This is very useful. Please update to version 2021.
This is a very useful app. Using it for long now. Recently tried to install it on LT version but not showing on Tabs. Is it only for full version?
Yes, full version only. This is true of all Revit add-ins: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/revit-lt/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Revit-LT-Is-it-possible-to-use-plugin-or-addins-in-Revit-LT.html
This tool will gather all parameters and their values and you can filter your selection based on the parameter values.
This is a very pasic and such an awesome App. I use it all the time.
Can you please add an option to filter multiple categories based on same parameter? for example for all items on one level... It is not the same parameter name.... base contraint, level, top contraint etc. Perhaps all parameters could be listed so we can select with the OR option.
Thank you for help us to easy use for Filter
Simple tool that sometimes helps out
Very nice free tool for upgrading your filter.
I recommend as a MEP consultant everyone i meet to download this tool and no single person was disappointent.
Please add 2019 support.
Merveilleux!!Je l'utilise depuis (très) longtemps...
C'est même incroyable qu'autodesk ne nous le propose pas nativement.
It is even incredible that autodesk does not offer it natively.
Application très utile et même indispensable. merci au(x) développeur.
Helped me change all my condensate piping from the plumbing workset to the condensate workset, fast.
Thanks a lot for this add-in which fast, easy and very useful to me.
Extremely useful features! This should have been built into Revit to begin with. I just wish I could create a hotkey to call up this add-in - any ideas?
Very usefull. Is there an upgrade to 2018 soon?
very powerful tool you can depend on it
Use it everyday. Please upgrade to 17!
Very, very usefull!! Please take a look @ 2017 =) THANX!
Please add 2017 support
I will let the developer know. In the meantime, please try Autodesk Dyanamo if you haven't already done so. It may be like taking a sledgehammer to a nail but it can get similar things done if not more.
Hola! Quisiera saber para cuando estará disponible una versión para Revit 2017. Gracias
Simply great. My respect to you.
How do you filter detail lines/ model lines ??? It's not that obvious?? The one star doesn't mean anything!
Cannot get this to appear in Revit 2016. Worked perfectly in 2015. It's a great extension and I'm hurting without it.
Its one of this app that every Revit user must have. Congratulations and thanks for give it for free.
Great work ! This is a real saver. For some reason it doesn't work inside groups which is rather unfortunate at times. It is due to the Revit's inner structure i guess..
Thanks for this great tool...As I used Qselect from AutoCAD very often, it was frustrating when selecting things in Revit until I got this tool installed...It saves much time in filtering items for selection. Thanks...
don't know what I would do without it.. its top class thanks guys..
Quick question, how can you make a selection for just one level?
Very handy tool. Right now it doesn't show all the identity data params in the families. For instance, I'd like to select all doors where the fire rating is 30. Otherwise very pleased with it!
Thanks for making this available for free! Any chances the next version can include the GroupId() property? This would be super helpful to be able to exclude elements that are grouped from the selection.
Es muy muy útil. Amplia muchísimo más la opción de filtrar que trae por defecto Revit. Muy recomendable.
Thanks for this great adding.
Would be great if you could also select Rooms
Thanks, that feature has been added in 1.0.3.
Excellent. I really like that feature. I think you may guess my next request: If it could do the same for Spaces, I'm sure it would become a must-have tool for Architecture, Structure and MEP alike.Cheers!
excellent tool, thanks
Love the tool! What would be nice is adding the ability to select by Family Name, you might for instance want all doors of a certain family, that has 3 types. Other than that Solid.
This is great.
it's great, just what I was looking for
incorrect work for search parameters values for rebar in system.
The element filter that revit provides has really basic function, thanks to this addin you are able to enhance these features. It works great in MEP 2014