BonesPro - Trial Version

BonesPro - Trial Version



BonesPro is a sophisticated, fast and optimized technology for organic skinning of characters and objects in Autodesk® 3ds Max®. Create high quality skin meshes rapidly with easy-to-understand bone influences and vertex assignments, impressive real-time skin-deformations and special-effects.

BonesPro is the solution for all artists that don’t want to spend a lot of time on character skinning and prefer to get quality skinning results with a minimized amount of work.

Próbaverzió leírása

Note: This is a trial version with no feature limits, work results can be viewed but not saved for further processing.

Note:  This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).


Verzió 4.79.00, 2019. 08. 11.
Update with support for 3ds Max 2020

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Jiggle and wobble, shiver and shake


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