Batch Studio Renderer


Overall functionality and advantages:

  • This script uniforms the rendering process of multiple files.
  • It is very useful when you have to render a lot of products using the same lighting setup.
  • All .max files are imported as XRefs and bound to their Control Points (Box helpers).
  • Control Points are used to rotate, move or scale the imported objects, if necessary.
  • If Control Points are not visible increase their size using the spinner. Rendered images are saved as .tga and put into dir 'images' that is the subdir of imported .max files.
  • 'Render All' renders all XRefs from the selected view or all cameras on the Scene.
  • It is not recommended to import a lot of high poly models because it may decrease the PC performance.


Verzió 1.0.0, 2020. 04. 20.
Added 3ds Max 2021 support. No change in version number.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Short video tutorial


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