OS: Win32 and 64Aligns view to the selected object or to selected two points on screen or to selected line or polyline segment.
USD 3.00 -
AVCAD Project Manager (plugin for AVCAD)
OS: Win64AVCAD Project Manager is an additional tool for AVCAD for Autodesk® AutoCAD® that helps you to work with multiple DWG files
USD 50.00/M -
LMERGE - Merges Layers
OS: Win64Merge two existing layers into one layer and/or move existing layers into a new custom layer.
Trial -
DISPLAYSEG – Display First Polyline Segment Length
OS: Win64Labels the first segment length of selected polylines(s) from the ‘start point’ to the first vertex.
Trial -
DISPLAYANG – Displays the angle of selected lines
OS: Win64Display the degree angle of selected LINE or POLYLINE entities in either Decimal or Minute values based on a selected ‘base line’.
Trial -
TEXT TRACK – Create Text Along Objects
OS: Win64Uses existing text in a DWG file or Entered text and then allows placement and position along the curve at any angle to the object.
Trial -
GRIDFINDFIX – Off-Grid Checker and Fixer
OS: Win64Functions to find and flag vertices of unblocked and blocked polylines marked with a cross. The app will then fix and move/snap these entities to a user-defined grid-snap.
Trial -
Boundary Maker – Composite Boundary Boolean Tool
OS: Win64Generate outlines from any combined object shapes on a user-specified layer with a user-specified offset.
Trial -
TTCONV3D – True-Type Vectorizer and 3D
OS: Win64Converts True Type fonts into user-specified vector outlines, a filled hatch, or 3D Solids while preserving the original text.
Trial -
Count texts and blocks
OS: Win64This app is a powerful tool developed using VB.NET that allows you to count the number of each object and export the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00 -
Total Lengths and Areas
OS: Win64Calculates the Total Length and Total Area of multiple objects of selected type(s) and exports the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00 -
SeeBlock DWG Symbol Manager
OS: Win32 and 64SeeBlock is a powerful Autodesk® AutoCAD® add-on to build and manage block libraries that enhance your ability to catalog and manipulate DWG symbols and drawings.
Trial -
OS: Win64Sends current file path to local ManicTime installation.
Free -
Xref Bind
OS: Win64Bind drawings even when xrefs are unloaded.
USD 2.00/M -
OS: Win32 and 64Copies object further in equal distance with each mouse click or by pressing the Enter button.
USD 1.00 -
AUTOXLINES Move/Copy/Stretch
OS: Win32 and 64Moves/copies/stretches object to the calculated intersection point of lines. The user would normally have to construct to define that point.
USD 2.00 -
Express DetailCopy
OS: Win32 and 64This app is a utility that copies a specific area of the drawing and converts it to block. It is a useful function when creating detailed drawings.
Free -
PDF-in plug-in
OS: Win32 and 64Use PDFin to open and edit PDF files directly within Autodesk® AutoCAD®. Fully licensed version.
USD 59.00 -
PDFin (Trial)
OS: Win32 and 64Use PDFin to open and edit PDF drawings within Autodesk® AutoCAD® and other Autodesk programs. Ideal for older versions without built-in PDF support. Trial with watermark.
Trial -
TL Clothoid
OS: Win64A set of dynamic tools to work with Clothoid transition curves in Autodesk® AutoCAD®.
USD 60.00/Y -
AutoMaskS Add A Wipeout Mask To Arcs And Circles
OS: Win32 and 64The Only method to add a Wipeout Mask to Arcs, Circles, or Polylines with Arc Segments. Add a Wipeout mask to blocks using Polylines with Arcs, Circles, or Multiple Points in Autodesk® AutoCAD®.
USD 5.00/M -
Write Drawings' Names to text file
OS: Win32 and 64This app helps to export your drawing files' names which are of .dwg format to a text file.
USD 10.00 -
Fire Fighting
OS: Win32 and 64Draft pipes & fittings of a Fire Fighting System professionally and dynamically.
Trial -
Drainage Manholes Network Program
OS: Win32 and 64Professional Drainage Manholes Network Program