

Win32 and 64, English

Quick and smart similar SLICE command. Delamination (peeling) flat and curved faces of solid.

General Usage Instructions

You can select a surface before invoking the ASL command. Use Ctrl to select the faces of the solid, not the entire solid. Moreover, you can select several faces, even if they are not adjacent. But only one solid must be chosen.
If the program does not find solid faces selected in advance, then it will ask you to select one face. You will only need to make one click. Adjacent surfaces will be selected automatically and will also be highlighted.
Next, the program will ask you to enter the peeling thickness.
Request thickness contains options:
  • PlaneMethod - selecting Method of the cutting plane
  • SurfaceMethod - selecting Method of the cutting curved surface
  • OffsetFaceMethod - selecting the Method of the face offset
  • AllMethods - try to use all three methods in the following sequence: offset, plane, surface. (default)
  • KeepSurfaceOnError - Enable or disable saving the cutting surface for errors. (default ON)
  • COntiguous - automatically add adjacent to the selected surfaces, i.e. conjugate without kink (kink not more than 0.1 degrees between tangents)
  • CYclically - Continue to select surfaces to peel until you press ESC
After entering the thickness, the program will begin to peel off the surfaces and display results on the command line.
All successful slices will be saved.
If the CYclically mode is on, the program will again ask for the choice of surface. You can pick up the surface of another solid. Just click on it with the mouse. The program will add contiguous surfaces to the selection.
Thickness and options will no longer be requested.
Press ESC to finish peeling.
Follow the messages on the console. There may be error messages.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


Delamination (peeling) flat and curved faces of solid.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system. 


Follow my news on Facebook or Twitter. Updates are free of charge. Reactivation is not required.

Please read the FAQ if there are any problems.

Additional Information


Company Name: A>V>C>
Support Contact: avc.programming@gmail.com

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Support is provided by e-mail avc.programming@gmail.com

You can ask any questions about the work of A>V>C> programs, their installation and configuration, optimization of the work of engineers, and setting up business processes in the exhibition business. Help is provided to all users, regardless of whether they made a donation or not. Any suggestions and comments are welcome for further improvement of the programs.

The main method of communication is e-mail. You can write in any language. If you do not write in English, then write in short, simple but complete sentences without abbreviations and without special terms.

Do not forget to attach the problem dwg-file to the letter.

Telegram: @avc_programming 

WhatsApp: A V C Programming




Version History

Version Number Version Description


Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2025 compatibility


The first version of the new licensing system. Communication with the A>V>C> database server. Automatic plugin updates. New A>V>C Options Palette instead of the settings dialog.


Added 2022 support (No change in version number).


Automatically select contiguous surfaces (those that are paired with the selected one without kinks). You can select multiple surfaces of the same solid before calling the command. Sliced ​​from several surfaces slices are automatically glued into one solid. If the slice splits into pieces, then the Separate command will be called. The command is looped on selection more and more surfaces before pressing ESC. Enter the thickness each time is no longer necessary. New command line options - COntiguous and CYclically Selected surfaces are now highlighted when entering thickness.


Compatible with AutoCAD 2020 New activation system


Compatible with AutoCAD 2019. Added options for selecting the peeling method In the cutting plane method, a plane search was added for faces of the "surface" type, and not only for "region"


Compatible with Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2019.


• Fatal Error fix (if thickness more then solid) • Italian localization (without description) • New icon


Short main command name ASL AutoCAD 2017 compatibility Trial version and Activation window Optimized localization Fixed typos


Auto off solid history

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