BlkReplace - Block Definition Replacement

BlkReplace - Block Definition Replacement

Win64, English

CAD Design Software
This application replaces any new block for all selected insertions of any other block.

General Usage Instructions

To run the APP, type Blkreplace and press <Enter> or pick the Blkreplace icon from the Plug-ins Ribbon Tab (or Add-ins tab).

If a PROMPT to "Select Object(s)", select the object/block and press the <Enter> key.

See details in the below section Settings and Options.

Settings and Options

Select the Reset Scale Factor check box to set a new scale factor for the block and in the New Scale Factor edit box, type the numerical value to use as the scale. The blocks that are being operated on will then be scaled by this factor.

Use the Global radio button to affect all blocks in the drawing. Use the Selective radio button to replace blocks by selecting them on screen.

Use the Global + Block Definitions radio button to affect blocks globally and each block definition as well.

If Global was selected:

Select a block in the Block(s) to Replace scroll list to replace or use the Pick on Screen button. In the Replacement Block scroll list, select the block to use as the replacement or use the Pick on Screen button. Pick the Replace Blocks button and a response appears, Response: Changed XX

If Selective was selected:

The Block(s) to Replace scroll list will ghost out. Select a block from the Replacement Block scroll list to use. Pick the Replace Blocks button and the following prompt appears:

PROMPT: Select objects: Pick the desired component(s) and then press <Enter> when done selecting. A response appears, Response: Changed XX



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


This application replaces any new block for all selected insertions of any other block.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features, and uninstall as you would any other application from your system. For Installation help and Requirements, visit our Apps Support page

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: CAD Design Software
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

CAD Design Software

Support Information


Contact:  1-877-CAD-USER

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Compatible with 2025


Compatible ACAD 2018-2023 Supports Dynamic Blocks
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