Evolve FM - SaaS
, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Visit this link https://www.youtube.com/user/CAFMResources/playlists to access a number of general use feature overview videos for Evolve FM.
Most customers use Evolve FM from our hosting environment. Once you've determined the matrix of components that will make up your EvolveFM instance, we create a unique URL for your company. Then all you do is log in and start working. To get a sense of how this works, visit the EvolveFM playground site at https://sandbox.evolvesw.com/app/evolvefm.html. Login is free, password is trial. Your user experience here will be identical to using your own site.
Additional Information
Evolve FM User Guides can be downloaded from this link https://app.box.com/s/75bvsgu573cok2f0ikqhs7s7i6vniq77.
Known Issues
While Evolve FM works in all HTML5 copliant browsers, we recommend using Google Chrome if you can.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Sales and Support:
Evolve FM is sold and supported domestically by authorized resellers throughout the U.S. as well as through a network of international distributors. CAFM Resources complements its indirect channel distribution strategy with a combination of direct marketing and Internet sales support. Paid technical support and training are available worldwide through authorized partners and distributors as well as directly from CAFM Resources.
Support Contact: dsmith@cafmresources.com.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
2.0.2021.8.1.000 |
This is the 18th version release of Evolve FM. We add features and improvements every 6 months in a continual process that ensures our users the best experience possible. To access a complete list of new features and enhancements, hit this link... https://app.box.com/s/u8h2estvlcoij72at4w6tgpf4bpuanhj. |
2019.2.1.3 |
This is the 16th version release of Evolve FM. We add features and improvements every 6 months in a continual process that insures our users the best experience possible. To access a complete list of new features and enhancements, hit this link... https://app.box.com/s/u8h2estvlcoij72at4w6tgpf4bpuanhj. |
1.0.0 |
Initial release. |