Object Properties in Attributes
This command inserts object properties into attribute values. For each type of object, a different list of properties is shown in the dialog box. The objects accepted by the app include polylines, 3D polylines, lines, arcs, circles, multilines, and blocks. You can select one object to extract its properties or multiple objects at once. If multiple objects are selected, only the length and area properties will be shown in the dialog box, with their values representing the sum of the lengths or areas of the selected object.
The properties displayed for each type of object are as follows:
Polylines: Length, Area, Elevation, Width, Layer
3D polylines: 3D length, 2D length, Area, Initial Elevation, Final Elevation, Elevation Major, Elevation Minor, Average Slope (%), Layer
Lines: Length, Initial Elevation, Final Elevation, Average Slope (%), Layer
Circle: Length, Area, Elevation, Radius, Diameter, Layer
Arc: Length, Area, Elevation, Radius, Diameter, Angle, Layer
Multiline: Length, Layer
Blocks: X,Y, X,Y,Z, Z, Name, Layer, and for dynamic blocks, the block parameters are also shown.
The dialog box will appear after you select the object(s) from which you want to extract properties, as well as the block with attributes where you want to paste the property values. In the dialog box, select the property from the list on the left that you wish to assign to an attribute value, and select the corresponding attribute from the list on the right where you want to paste the value. You can also specify a multiplier factor, precision, a prefix, and a suffix. A preview is shown on the left, and the current value of the selected attribute is shown on the right.
After pressing OK, the attribute value will be updated according to your settings.
To enhance productivity, after setting up the dialog box and applying the attribute values, the command will remain active, allowing you to select other objects and attributed blocks while keeping the same settings in the dialog box. To apply the same property to the same attribute name, simply select an object, then select the attributed block and press OK in the dialog box as many times as needed. You can update the settings in the dialog box at any time, and the new settings will be saved.