Toggles Extension Line of Dimension Object
The program applies to Angular, Aligned and Rotated Dimensions which toggles the extension line as specified during selection.
The user can run the program in different User Coordinates System (UCS).
About This Version
Version 1.0.1, 10/5/2020
Added 2021 support (No change in version number).
I am working on Autocad Mechanical and would love to have this app for ACAD Mechanical.
This was really nice to have a year ago when i had acad 2015. Havnt used it since, been waiting all year for an update and fearing ill have a new 2017 acad license before this app updates to 2016. Seriously, How hard is it?
umm,,,on to acad 2018 and still not one update! Seriously? UPDATING MY REVIEW Thank you , thankyou,,,this app is running great in my 2018 autocad.