

Creates a construction line of infinite length.

"Block" and "External Reference" can also be selected.

Layers can be set freely.

There are 23 commands.

・Horizontal subsidy line (CLH)

・Vertical construction line (CLV)

・Cross construction line (CLC)

・Select 2-point construction line (CLA)

・Construction line parallel to the object (CLEP)

・Construction line perpendicular to the object (CLEV)

・Construction line parallel to two points (CL2P)

・Construction line perpendicular to two points (CL2V)

・Two-division distance draft line (CL2D)

・Equally divided draft lines (CLND)

・Half-division corner draft line (CL2A)

・Equivalent angle construction line (CLNA)

・Offset construction line (CLOF)

   Bulk input of offset distance.

   Sample: 50,100,150,200 50,200*5,100 ・・・

・Rectangular supplementary line (CLRC)

・Intersection of entities (CLIP)

・Division calculation Lite (CLDCL)

・Circle construction line (CLCI)

・Concentric circle construction line (CLCC)

・Controller line (CLTP)

・Circle draft line touch (CL2T)

・Erase all draft lines (CLE)

   Selection and deletion of construction lines (CLES)

・Construction line layer settings (CLS)


Verzió 2.0.1, 2024. 04. 05.
Added 2025 support.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók



11 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • AutoCAD2023
    Francisco Melo | január 23, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


    An excellent program, this program works on version 2023?


    Wojciech Zawisza | február 05, 2023

    I'm interested in that too

  • Great Add-in
    Glauco Yossida | szeptember 09, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Fantastic Add-in! Well Done!

    T Y (Közzétevő) | szeptember 13, 2020

    It will be encouraging. Thank you.

  • Looking forward to an update for 2021 Autocad
    Jon Thomas | május 12, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This add-on is great.  Really liked it on 2020 Autocad.  Looking forward to seeing it updated for 2021.  Keep up the good work.  Wish it worked with Civil3d, but vanilla Autocad is fine.

    T Y (Közzétevő) | május 13, 2020

    Thank you for your comment. We are preparing for support for AutoCAD 2021.

    Ada Users | július 04, 2020

    about time

  • Отличное приложение!
    Kaha251184 Чудин | július 22, 2019 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Помогает бороться с 'рутиной'

  • Great
    Kamal Bikram Garamja | november 21, 2018 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    So smart app

  • What about update for Autocad 2019?
    Eyal Chen | április 02, 2018 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


    I started using Autocad 2019 , and I saw that this amazing tool is only up to 2018, please update the tool.

    Thank you


    T Y (Közzétevő) | április 12, 2018

    To be updated to correspond to 2019, Currently A Auto Cad App Store, We are interacting. It's just not finalized yet. Since we will continue negotiating, I appreciate it if you can wait. Thank you. tydesign

    Eyal Chen | április 26, 2018

    Hello TY, Do you have a date for updating this tool to ver 2019? Please it is very urgent for me, I use lisps for 2 commnds, but it is not enough. Maybe you can san me the open source lisp? Please hurry up with the update. Thanks Eyal

    Eyal Chen | május 14, 2018

    Hello TY, Do you have a date for updating this tool to ver 2019? Please it is very urgent for me, I use lisps for 2 commnds, but it is not enough. Maybe you can san me the open source lisp? Please hurry up with the update. Thanks Eyal

  • autocad 2019?
    Agrigo Users | március 28, 2018

    Hi, can you update the fabulous tool for Autocad 2019?

    Thanks in advance.



    T Y (Közzétevő) | április 12, 2018

    To be updated to correspond to 2019, Currently A Auto Cad App Store, We are interacting. It's just not finalized yet. Since we will continue negotiating, I appreciate it if you can wait. Thank you. tydesign

  • Incredibly usefull
    Julio Soto | december 09, 2017 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    First off, if haven't been using Xlines for drafting then you're wasting alot of time. If you are using Xlines you will definitely want this app. I started writing a few lisps to do some of the things this app does before I stumbled upon this. It's awesome!

    T Y (Közzétevő) | december 21, 2017

    Thank you. I will make further improvements. We will soon upgrade to ver1.1.2.

  • Excellent
    Russell Berry | szeptember 08, 2017 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Great tool - thank you Would be even better if would work with Autocad standard right click functionality, but still a great tool.

    T Y (Közzétevő) | szeptember 30, 2017

    Thanks for your comment I will make an effort to make it better.

  • excellent
    abdellatif guerrout | augusztus 28, 2017 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    très bonne extension très utile

    T Y (Közzétevő) | szeptember 30, 2017

    Bonjour Bon commentaire Merci

  • Can you add autocad 2018 ver to this addon?
    Eyal Chen | április 03, 2017 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Can you add autocad 2018 ver to this addon?

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