

DDSetup provides the end user with a graphic user interface to make the following settings: 

Measuring Unit (Imperial or Metric), Construction Discipline (Engineering or Architectural), typical Drawing Scales and typical Sheet Sizes with orientation (Landscape or Portrait) and to draw the sheet in Modelspace or Paperspace. 

DDSetup will change the corresponding Autodesk® AutoCAD® system variables to match the settings selected.

이 버전 정보

버전 1.0.0, 2024-03-27
Added 2025 support.

스크린샷 및 비디오

DDSetup Command Access Window

고객 리뷰

1 리뷰
기술 도움말 보기
  • Danke!
    Ralph Brucksch-Ape | 8월 11, 2023 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Sehr hilfreiches Tool. 

    Paul Li (게시자) | 3월 05, 2024

    Thank you.

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