SmartCut Automation
SmartCut app is available under Windows in Autodesk® AutoCAD® Map 3D 2020 or later.
It includes a layer selection and data transfer description tab, a processing tab for viewing the progress of the cutting algorithm, and an about tab.
The first tab lets you define your processing layers: pipeline layers (source layers) and cut layers (layers containing polygons, for example).
You can define as many layers as you like.
Once these layers have been defined, you can launch the cutting algorithm.
This will calculate the intersection of pipelines with polygons (buildings, for example) and cut them at the right places.
The sectioned pipeline will then be available in a new layer that you've chosen beforehand.
SmartCut also works with Autodesk® AutoCAD® data tables and enables data transfer from processed layers. Note that these data can be modified on the fly to suit your needs.
The processing configuration can be saved and reloaded.
This tool can also be used with the BPWorks extension for risk analysis.
Trial Description
The trial version can process 10 polylines on one cutting layer. It can also be used for data transfer.
For a full version, visit https://www.flprogramming.fr/store.