OS: Win32 and 64Set of commands for Autodesk® AutoCAD® to resize viewport, create a new one from model space, update its view, and generate its boundary.
USD 7.00 -
Drawing Purge
OS: Win32 and 64This plug-in helps to remove the unused DGN LineTypes, TextStyles, RegApps, Annotation Scales, and other Purgeable items from the current drawing or multiple drawings in batch processing.
Free -
Print2CAD 2025 AI - PDF to CAD Batch Converter
OS: Win64Artificial Intelligence 2D/3D PDF and Raster to DWG, DXF Conversion To Full Editable Drawing With The Help of a Stand Alone Program. With Raster Vectorization of PDF Images and OCR Text Recognition.
Trial -
eXcellent Stretch
OS: Win32 and 64Imagine, for instance, how to stretch all the similar vertex in a star shape by stretching just one vertex.
Trial -
TL Grade Tool
OS: Win64Dynamic grade line generation/query tool.
Free -
Plex-Earth 2025
OS: Win32 and 64The all-powerful AutoCAD plugin gives you the best and most up-to-date 3D satellite & aerial view from Google Earth and the world's premium providers, such as Airbus, Maxar, Hexagon, and Nearmap.
Trial -
QR Codes 2016-2025
OS: Win32 and 64This plug-in allows you to insert scannable Quick Response (QR) Codes into Autodesk® AutoCAD® drawings.
Free -
OS: Win32 and 64Aligns view to the selected object or to selected two points on screen or to selected line or polyline segment.
USD 3.00 -
7cad Polyline Area Online
Populate polyline areas to block's attributes.
Free -
RhinoLands / Lands Design 6
OS: Win64Lands Design is an advanced solution for designing landscapes and green infrastructure. It uses BIM technology for producing 2D technical drawings, 3D modeling, and Photorealistic 3D Visualizations.
Trial -
POWERJOIN – Automatic Polyline Find and Join
OS: Win64Joins and cleans-up polylines and line entities to create closed boundaries and to close gaps not seen visibly.
Trial -
OS: Win32 and 64This function draws a sheet of selected dialog window size and scale.
USD 6.00 -
Block Library Manager
OS: Win32 and 64Block library management tool.
Free -
OS: Win32 and 64The solution to managing corporate level Autodesk® AutoCAD® Detail Drawings library.
Free -
DISPLAYANG – Displays the angle of selected lines
OS: Win64Display the degree angle of selected LINE or POLYLINE entities in either Decimal or Minute values based on a selected ‘base line’.
Trial -
LORDER – Layer Object View Order
OS: Win64Allows users to easily arrange current layers in any desired order with a couple of picks.
Trial -
BlkMaker – Adds, Deletes, Extracts Block Entities
OS: Win64Adds, deletes, and extracts entities from a parent block without exploding.
Trial -
Boundary Maker – Composite Boundary Boolean Tool
OS: Win64Generate outlines from any combined object shapes on a user-specified layer with a user-specified offset.
Trial -
Trimmer - Automatic Trim using Boundary
OS: Win64Trim lines or polylines internally or externally, using a closed boundary as the edge.
Trial -
TTCONV3D – True-Type Vectorizer and 3D
OS: Win64Converts True Type fonts into user-specified vector outlines, a filled hatch, or 3D Solids while preserving the original text.
Trial -
VECT2ARC – Vectorized Shapes to Arcs
OS: Win64Converts arc shapes created with multiple vectors into smooth polyline arcs.
Trial -
Hilti BIM/CAD Library
OS: Win32 and 64A fast and convenient way to integrate models of Hilti objects in your project design.
Free -
Count texts and blocks
OS: Win64This app is a powerful tool developed using VB.NET that allows you to count the number of each object and export the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00 -
Total Lengths and Areas
OS: Win64Calculates the Total Length and Total Area of multiple objects of selected type(s) and exports the values to an Excel file.
USD 10.00