

Plugin radically accelerates work for all who design 3D furniture, woodworking, or other products with a lot of holes. 


The standard command "Subtract" requires selecting each item individually and destroying the subtracted solid. Because this work is unbearably long, now you can select all the details and holes in one frame. Press the button Drill and wait quietly until the program will do all the work itself. The program itself finds details, finds hole solids (it must be on a special layer “Holes”), and subtracts. act every hole. One hole can penetrate a lot of detail; you do not need to make copies of the subtracted solid. Details are not glued together (as does the command Subtract). 


If you are uncomfortable sharing the solid in layers, then, in this case, the program contains the command "Gap". It operates similarly to conventional subtraction and requests two groups of solids.


In addition, the program can:

  • Make the gap between the parts for easy docking.
  • Subtract the hole-solid from blocks and nested blocks.
  • Keep subtrahend solid.
  • Use pre-selected objects.
  • Show the progress bar and display statistics to the console.
  • You can configure which layer will be used for the hole.
  • The program can query to select the whole layer on each Drill command.

The plugin works with 3D solids only. It does not work with Meshes and Surfaces. 

Regardless of the AutoCAD language, you can switch the plugin's dialogs and messages into the following languages: English, German, Italian, Russian, and Chinese.

According to your request, I can optimize the program for the standards of your company. Offer your price.

Próbaverzió leírása

To run the plugin, you will have to register your account and top up your account balance or receive bonuses.

Then you can activate one of the licenses:


Verzió 2024.03.00, 2024. 04. 15.
AutoCAD 2025 compatibility.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Use command DRI for real furniture. All fasteners in "Holes" layer. Hole-solids in block "Eccentric" not deleted


7 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • ottimo strumento!!!
    Paolo Coter | november 13, 2016 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    è uno degli stumenti migliori che un progettista di mobili possa desiderare... Magnifico! ... talmente bello che ho deciso di dare il mio contributo traducendolo in Italiano... Grazie Alexandr ..

  • Super !
    Viktor Nickel | augusztus 31, 2015

    Могу только присоединится к выше сказанному. Я купил все Plug-in от Александра.Конструирую почти только с ними. Programme ist einfach in Bedienung. Genial in Funktion. Vereinfacht gesamte Produktionszeit. Vielen Dank Alexander !!!!

  • Революционный инструмент для конструктора мебельщика.
    Андрей Платковский | július 27, 2015

    Очень удобный инструмент, мое мнение каждый конструктор мебельщик должен иметь на вооружении.

  • comment
    Levi Levin | október 24, 2014

    An indispensable tool for designers of furniture. Greatly speeds up the work!

  • Очень нужный инструмент!!!
    Александр Харченко | október 13, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Очень нужный инструмент, особенно для конструктора по мебели, в разы ускоряет процесс присадки. Спасибо.

  • Great! All advise
    Dolbany Alex | szeptember 30, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    A bit annoying that you want to use a layer of holes. But I soon got used to it. There are no problems. Acceleration works great

  • Это реально работает!
    Olga | szeptember 30, 2014 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    На такие штуки подсаживаешься на 5 мин. Стандартным вычитанием больше не пользуюсь вообще

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