Spatial Manager™
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Link to the technical Wiki page: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD
This is the list of AutoCAD commands included in Spatial Manager™ for AutoCAD
- Main commands
- SPM: Show Palette. Opens and/or displays the main application Palette
- SPMCLOSE: Close. Closes all application Palettes (Main, Data Grid, Street View, etc.). In addition, it redefines the location and size defaults for when they are reopened
- SPMIMPORT: Import. Directly Imports features from geospatial files or tables without using the main application Palette
- -SPMIMPORT [Task name]: Import (Command Line). Execute Task(s) from the command line, useful in Scripts, etc. ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMEXPORT: Export. Exports AutoCAD objects into geospatial files or tables ("Professional" edition only)
- -SPMEXPORT [Parameters]: Export (Command Line). Exports AutoCAD objects from the command line, useful in Scripts, etc. ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMSETCRS: Coordinate system. Sets the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) for the drawing. Includes options to define user CRSs
- SPMTRANSFORMCRS: Transform Coordinates. Creates a new drawing transforming geometrically objects from the current one between two Coordinate Systems ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMCREATEKML: Export to Google Earth. Exports the current status of the drawing to Google Earth (one click) ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- Background Maps ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- SPMBGMAPSHOW: Show. Displays the selected image Map in the drawing. Includes tools to manage the user Background Maps
- SPMBGMAPHIDE: Hide. Hides the Background Map if it is displayed
- SPMBGMAPREFRESH: Refresh. Regenerates the image of the Background Map, which may be needed under certain graphic situations
- SPMBGMAPIMAGE: Capture. Creates an AutoCAD raster image corresponding to the display view of the current Background Map (Snapshot)
- SPMBGMAPIMAGEPURGE: Purge. Delete 'orphan' image tiles and perform some other cleaning operations
- Tools
- Image ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMIMPORTPHOTO: Import Images. Import of geo-referenced raster images and photos
- SPMEXPORTIMAGE: Export Images. Export of geo-referenced images, geo-reference files and Coordinate System files
- SPMWORLDFILE: Export Geo-reference Files. Export of images geo-reference and Coordinate System files (World, PRJ, etc.)
- SPMSTREETVIEW: Street View. Application palette for displaying (and navigate) dynamic Google Street View images on any geo-referenced drawing/map ("Professional" edition only)
- Location ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMSEARCHLOCATION: Search Location. Search in the drawing for the location of geographical objects (streets, postal addresses, neighborhoods, etc.) based on the text entered
- SPMGEOCODING_DIRECT: Geo-coding (Direct). Insertion of points in the drawing from postal addresses
- SPMGEOCODING_REVERSE: Geo-coding (Reverse). Obtaining postal addresses from objects in the drawing
- SPMLABEL: Objects Labeling. Texts based on objects data and properties
- SPMRUBBERSHEET: Rubber Sheet. Elastic deformation of geometries based on 2 or more control points ("Professional" edition only)
- Terrains ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMTERRAIN: Terrain. Create Terrains, Contours and elevation 3D Points. Command options:
- 1: 3D Points built by accessing Elevation service providers in any selected area
- 2: 2D or 3D Contours from selected 3D Points
- 3: Terrain wizard. Complete 3D Points, Contours and Terrains functionality
- SPMTERRAIN: Terrain. Create Terrains, Contours and elevation 3D Points. Command options:
- Thematic Maps ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMTHEMATICMAP: Define Thematics. Definition and edition of thematic maps according to data field values
- SPMTHEMATICMAPHIDE: Hide Thematics. Hide thematic viewings
- Selection
- SPMSPATIALQUERY: Spatial Query. Advanced objects selection based on geometric and data operations between existing object groups (Intersect, Touches, Within, Contains, Disjoint, Overlaps or Crosses) ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- SPMSELECTBYQUERY: By Query. Selects objects by a simple or compound query over their data ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- SPMSELECTBYTABLE: By Table. Selects all the objects attached to a specific data table ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- SPMSELECTINVERSE: Inverse Selection. Invert current objects selection
- Zoom
- SPMZOOMTOLAYER: Zoom to Layer. Zoom to the objects on the selected layers (by default on the current layer)
- SPMZOOMTOSELECTIONLAYER: Zoom to Selection Layers. Zoom to the objects on the layers of selected objects
- SPMZOOMTOIMPORT: Zoom to Import. Zoom to the objects resulting from the last import process
- SPMZOOMTOSELECTION: Zoom to Selection. Zoom to the selected objects
- Image ("Professional" edition only)
- GIS Analysis ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMBUFFER: Buffers. Buffered polygons around point objects, linear objects or polygon boundaries
- SPMOVERLAY: Overlays. New objects based on geometric and data operations between existing object groups (Intersect, Union, Erase, Identity, Clip, Paste or Symmetric Difference)
- SPMDISSOLVE: Dissolve. New polygons based on the grouping of other adjacent polygons with some common data
- SPMCENTROID: Centroids. Polygon Centroids creation by adopting the polygons data, or add Centroids data to the polygons that contain them
- SPMINFLUENCEAREAS: Areas of Influence. Polygons defined by the set of points closest to each point of a selection of points in the drawing (Voronoi diagrams)
- Data Tables ("Standard" and "Professional" editions only)
- SPMDATATABLEGRID: Data grid. Opens and displays the 'Data Grid' palette ("Professional" edition only)
- SPMDATATABLEDEFINE: Define Table. Defines, restores, modifies, renames or deletes a data table or its fields
- SPMDATATABLEATTACH: Attach. Attaches one or more objects to a data table
- SPMDATATABLEDETACH: Detach. Detaches one or more objects from their corresponding attached data table
- SPMDATACALCULATOR: Fields Calculator. Calculation of new or existing field values using arithmetic, mathematical, date, etc., expressions including constant values and/or values from other fields ("Professional" edition only)
- Support commands
- SPMOPTIONS: Options. Set of parameters to configure the application (includes also the functionality of SPMUPDATE and SPMABOUT)
- SPMHELP: Help. Shows the application help (Wiki format)
- SPMUPDATE: Updates. Checks if there is a new application release to be downloaded from Internet
- SPMABOUT: Information. Shows basic information about the application and the installed release
- _OPTIONS (AutoCAD native command): Options. New "Spatial Manager" tab including the set of parameters to configure the application (same functionality as above)
Ribbon/Toolbar Icon | Command | Command Description |
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Opens and/or displays the application panel |
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Closes the application |
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Imports features from geospatial files or tables |
Execute Task(s) from the command line, useful in Scripts, etc. |
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Exports objects into geospatial files or tables |
Exports AutoCAD objects from the command line, useful in Scripts, etc. |
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Set the Coordinate Reference System for the current drawing |
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Transform Coordinates. Creates a new drawing transforming geometrically objects from the current one between two Coordinate Systems |
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Exports the current status of the drawing to Google Earth (one click) |
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Shows the selected image Map in the background of the drawing |
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Hides the background Map if it is displayed |
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Regenerates the image of the background Map, which may be needed under certain graphic situations |
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Creates an AutoCAD raster image corresponding to the display view of the current background Map (Snapshot) |
Utility to delete 'orphan' image tiles and perform some other cleaning operations |
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Import of geo-referenced raster images and photos |
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Export of geo-referenced images, geo-reference files and Coordinate System files |
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Export of images geo-reference and Coordinate System files (World, PRJ, etc.) |
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Google Street View dynamic image browser on any geo-referenced drawing |
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Search in the drawing for the location of geographical objects (streets, postal addresses, neighborhoods, etc.), based on the text entered |
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Insertion of points in the drawing from postal addresses |
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Obtaining postal addresses from objects in the drawing |
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Creates texts based on object data |
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Rubber Sheet. Elastic deformation of geometries based on 2 or more control points |
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Create Terrains, Contours and elevation 3D Points |
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Definition and edition of thematic maps according to data field values |
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Hide thematic viewings |
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Object selection based on geometric and data operations between existing object groups |
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Selects objects by a simple or compound query over their data |
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Select all the objects attached to a specific data table |
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Inverse Selection. Invert current objects selection |
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Zoom to the objects on the selected layers (by default on the current layer) |
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Zoom to the objects on the layers of selected objects |
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Zoom to the objects resulting from the last import process |
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Zoom to the selected objects |
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Creates a buffer around the selected objects |
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Creates new objects based on geometric data operations between groups of existing objects |
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Creates new polygons based on the grouping of other neighboring polygons with some data in common |
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Generation of polygon Centroids by adopting the polygon data, or add Centroids data to the polygons that contain them |
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Creates the polygons defined by the set of points closest to each point of a selection in the drawing (Voronoi diagrams) |
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Opens and displays the 'Data Grid' palette |
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Define, modify or delete a data table or its fields |
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Attach one or more objects to a data table |
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Detach one or more objects from their corresponding attached data table |
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Calculation of new or existing field values using arithmetic, mathematical, date, etc., expressions including constant values and/or values from other fields |
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Set of parameters to configure the application |
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Shows the application help (Wiki format) |
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Checks if there is a new application release to be downloaded from Internet |
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Shows basic information about the application and the installed release |
Run "SpatialManagerforAutoCAD-x.x.x.xxxx.exe" install program downloaded from Autodesk App Store.
Uninstall: from Windows Control panel.
Additional Information
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
---|---| |
October 29, 2024 - Release 9.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog. | |
October 24, 2024 - Release 9.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog. | |
July 15, 2024 - Release 9.1.3 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog. | |
July 5th, 2024 - Release 9.1.3 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog. | |
April 29, 2024 - Release 9.1.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
April 12, 2024 - Release 9.1.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 27, 2024 - Release 9.1.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 11, 2024 - Release 9.0.3 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
January 12, 2024 - Release 9.0.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 8, 2023 - Release 9.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
October 20, 2023 - Release 9.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
September 28, 2023 - Release 8.6.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
August 7, 2023 - Release 8.5.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
May 30, 2023 - Release 8.4.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 30, 2023 - Release 8.3.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
February 24, 2023 - Release 8.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
January 24, 2023 - Release 8.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
January 12, 2023 - Release 8.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 8, 2022 - Release 8.1.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
October 4, 2022 - Release 8.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
June 10, 2022 - Release 7.1.0 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 30, 2022 - Release 7.0.4 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
October 27, 2021 - Release 7.0.3 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
August 27, 2021 - Release 7.0.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
August 23, 2021 - Release 7.0.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
July 12, 2021 - Release 7.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
May 13, 2021 - Release 6.4.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
April 6, 2021 - Release 6.4.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 26, 2021 - Release 6.4.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
January 13, 2021 - Release 6.3.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
December 28, 2020 - Release 6.3.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
December 10, 2020 - Release 6.3.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 11, 2020 - Release 6.3.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
September 7, 2020 - Release 6.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
August 10, 2020 - Release 6.2.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
May 4, 2020 - Release 6.1.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
April 8, 2020 - Release 6.1.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
January 9, 2020 - Release 6.0.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 19, 2019 - Release 6.0.2 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 10, 2019 - Release 6.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 10, 2019 - Release 6.0.1 News, Improvements and Fixes: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager™_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
July 18, 2019 - Release 5.3.0 Improvements The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2020 and other Autodesk 2020 products [T4964] (see current Compatible AutoCAD applications) A new button has been included in the data grid to show the table attached to the selected object, or to one of the selected objects if they are more than one [F2884] The "Forward" row navigation button in the data grid is now also active even if only 1 object is selected [F2914] When capturing a background map image shown on screen, the user can now define a capture window, not just the full screen as in previous versions [F2581] (Related video) Image captures can now be inserted into the drawing as OLE objects and not just as external references [F2907] (Related video) Now it is possible to select a background color or transparent background for those WMS background maps that support it [F2891] (Related video) Added a new option to allow the user to select the coordinate system in which an XYZ/TMS background map is defined [F2740] XYZ/TMS type background maps whose origin is defined bottom-left are now supported (OSGeo Specification) [F2854] When a coordinate system is automatically assigned to a drawing, empty and with no system assigned, when displaying a background map, the system defined for the background map is now taken, not the 3857 system in all cases (this was the case in previous versions) [F2901] The new NearMap API has been updated for access to its background maps [F2877] Added NearMap oblique maps [F2911] (Related video) Now all schemes in a user data source (UDS) can be imported through the application palette right-click menu, except for database servers (SQL Server, PostGIS, etc.) for performance reasons [F998] (Related video) Now it is possible to import all tables in a schema and all schemas in a file (e.g. GPX or SQLite) through the application palette right-click menu [F999] (Related video) A "Back" button has been added at the end of an export process so that it can be easily replayed by modifying any of the wizard parameters after a failed export [F2898] (Related video) The GML data provider now has to write capability so it allows you to export to this file type [F2890] (Related video) The geometries conversion method has been improved in the GML data provider [F2889] The naming of the images generated when exporting to Google Earth has been improved, as well as their grouping in the resulting KML/KMZ file structure [D2166] The EPSG tables (CRSs and other objects) have been updated to version 9.6 [T5006] More than 1300 ESRI coordinate systems have been added to the application systems database [F2903] Whenever a generic coordinate system is automatically assigned to an unreferenced drawing, a warning is now displayed that it may be inaccurate for some areas of the earth [F2915] Fixes Data is no longer lost when renaming a data table if two imports are processed using the same destination table name [D2212] Fixed a problem that caused errors when importing multi-points as a block selecting its name from a field in the data table [D2206] Fixed an issue that caused errors when reading improperly finished Shapefiles [D2176] Fixed a bug where sometimes multi-geometry polygons KML/KMZ was not read [D2213] Polylines belonging to a collection of geometries are now properly labeled [D2180] Fixed an error that occurred in some cases when importing data sources with an unknown coordinate system [D2161] The list of Fields to be exported is now correctly displayed when the option "Also export fields with null values" has been selected [D2004] In Google Earth exportation, a bug that occurred when overwriting raster image files has been fixed [D2166] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements. | |
June 24, 2019 - Release 5.3.0 Improvements The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2020 and other Autodesk 2020 products [T4964] (see current Compatible AutoCAD applications) A new button has been included in the data grid to show the table attached to the selected object, or to one of the selected objects if they are more than one [F2884] The "Forward" row navigation button in the data grid is now also active even if only 1 object is selected [F2914] When capturing a background map image shown on screen, the user can now define a capture window, not just the full screen as in previous versions [F2581] (Related video) Image captures can now be inserted into the drawing as OLE objects and not just as external references [F2907] (Related video) Now it is possible to select a background color or transparent background for those WMS background maps that support it [F2891] (Related video) Added a new option to allow the user to select the coordinate system in which an XYZ/TMS background map is defined [F2740] XYZ/TMS type background maps whose origin is defined bottom-left are now supported (OSGeo Specification) [F2854] When a coordinate system is automatically assigned to a drawing, empty and with no system assigned, when displaying a background map, the system defined for the background map is now taken, not the 3857 system in all cases (this was the case in previous versions) [F2901] The new NearMap API has been updated for access to its background maps [F2877] Added NearMap oblique maps [F2911] (Related video) Now all schemes in a user data source (UDS) can be imported through the application palette right-click menu, except for database servers (SQL Server, PostGIS, etc.) for performance reasons [F998] (Related video) Now it is possible to import all tables in a schema and all schemas in a file (e.g. GPX or SQLite) through the application palette right-click menu [F999] (Related video) A "Back" button has been added at the end of an export process so that it can be easily replayed by modifying any of the wizard parameters after a failed export [F2898] (Related video) The GML data provider now has to write capability so it allows you to export to this file type [F2890] (Related video) The geometries conversion method has been improved in the GML data provider [F2889] The naming of the images generated when exporting to Google Earth has been improved, as well as their grouping in the resulting KML/KMZ file structure [D2166] The EPSG tables (CRSs and other objects) have been updated to version 9.6 [T5006] More than 1300 ESRI coordinate systems have been added to the application systems database [F2903] Whenever a generic coordinate system is automatically assigned to an unreferenced drawing, a warning is now displayed that it may be inaccurate for some areas of the earth [F2915] Fixes Data is no longer lost when renaming a data table if two imports are processed using the same destination table name [D2212] Fixed a problem that caused errors when importing multi-points as a block selecting its name from a field in the data table [D2206] Fixed an issue that caused errors when reading improperly finished Shapefiles [D2176] Fixed a bug where sometimes multi-geometry polygons KML/KMZ was not read [D2213] Polylines belonging to a collection of geometries are now properly labeled [D2180] Fixed an error that occurred in some cases when importing data sources with an unknown coordinate system [D2161] The list of Fields to be exported is now correctly displayed when the option "Also export fields with null values" has been selected [D2004] In Google Earth exportation, a bug that occurred when overwriting raster image files has been fixed [D2166] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements. | |
April 1, 2019 - Release 5.2.0 Improvements The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2020 and other Autodesk 2020 products [T4964] (see current Compatible AutoCAD applications) A new button has been included in the data grid to show the table attached to the selected object, or to one of the selected objects if they are more than one [F2884] The "Forward" row navigation button in the data grid is now also active even if only 1 object is selected [F2914] When capturing a background map image shown on screen, the user can now define a capture window, not just the full screen as in previous versions [F2581] (Related video) Image captures can now be inserted into the drawing as OLE objects and not just as external references [F2907] (Related video) Now it is possible to select a background color or transparent background for those WMS background maps that support it [F2891] (Related video) Added a new option to allow the user to select the coordinate system in which a XYZ/TMS background map is defined [F2740] XYZ/TMS type background maps whose origin is defined bottom-left are now supported (OSGeo Specification) [F2854] When a coordinate system is automatically assigned to a drawing, empty and with no system assigned, when displaying a background map, the system defined for the background map is now taken, not the 3857 system in all cases (this was the case in previous versions) [F2901] The new NearMap API has been updated for access to its background maps [F2877] Added NearMap oblique maps [F2911] (Related video) Now all schemes in a user data source (UDS) can be imported through the application palette right-click menu, except for database servers (SQL Server, PostGIS, etc.) for performance reasons [F998] (Related video) Now it is possible to import all tables in a schema and all schemas in a file (e.g. GPX or SQLite) through the application palette right-click menu [F999] (Related video) A "Back" button has been added at the end of an export process so that it can be easily replayed by modifying any of the wizard parameters after a failed export [F2898] (Related video) The GML data provider now has write capability so it allows you to export to this file type [F2890] (Related video) The geometries conversion method has been improved in the GML data provider [F2889] The naming of the images generated when exporting to Google Earth has been improved, as well as their grouping in the resulting KML/KMZ file structure [D2166] The EPSG tables (CRSs and other objects) have been updated to version 9.6 [T5006] More than 1300 ESRI coordinate systems have been added to the application systems database [F2903] Whenever a generic coordinate system is automatically assigned to an unreferenced drawing, a warning is now displayed that it may be inaccurate for some areas of the earth [F2915] Fixes Data is no longer lost when renaming a data table if two imports are processed using the same destination table name [D2212] Fixed a problem that caused errors when importing multi-points as a block selecting its name from a field in the data table [D2206] Fixed an issue that caused errors when reading improperly finished Shapefiles [D2176] Fixed a bug where sometimes multi-geometry polygons KML/KMZ were not read [D2213] Polylines belonging to a collection of geometries are now properly labeled [D2180] Fixed an error that occurred in some cases when importing datasources with an unknown coordinate system [D2161] The list of Fields to be exported is now correctly displayed when the option "Also export fields with null values" has been selected [D2004] In Google Earth exportation, a bug that occurred when overwriting raster image files has been fixed [D2166] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements | |
January 9, 2019 - Release 5.1.0 Improvements Now you can also export 2D Polyline and 3D Polyline Lengths [F2874] All unused resources are now released from memory when a drawing or the Data Grid are closed [F2881] Several overall performance improvements in application load [F2880] Updated the Help URL to get Keys API for Nearmap Background Maps [F2877 - partial] Fixes Fixed a problem that in certain drawings took a long time to check existing objects when executing commands such as SPMEXPORT or SPMCREATEKML [D2179] "Ghost" data tables are no longer created when capturing an image from a Background Map [D2182] Fixed a bug that caused the change of assignment of the coordinate system of a drawing without user interaction [D2192] Now there are no more uncontrolled errors when deleting selected objects from the Data Grid [D2194] Fixed a problem with the position of the application windows [D2183] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements Notes The Data grid is only available in the 'Professional' edition, although the overall data management (Structures, Queries, Direct editing, etc.) is also available in the 'Standard' edition The 'Background maps' functionality is available in the 'Standard' and 'Professional' editions only The full export functionality (SPMEXPORT) is only found in the 'Professional' edition, although the functionality to export the current status of the drawing to Google Earth (SPMCREATEKML) is also available in the 'Standard' edition | |
November 5, 2018 - Release 5.0.0 News Data grid palette (SPMDATATABLEGRID) interactive and synchronized [F1048] (Related video) Selecting objects and navigation tools in the grid Editing data and columns Columns sorting Sorting data by column Automatic column width adjustment Direct export to CSV, TXT, etc. Multi-table grid Improvements In the SPMDATATATABLEDEFINE command the ability to recover data Table structures from the drawing objects has been added [F2611] (Related video) Very useful when "Copying/Cutting and Pasting" objects from one drawing to another, when saving drawings using WBLOCK, etc. The option to Rename Data Tables has also been included in this same command [F2525] Import and export user Background Maps [F2811] (Related video) Allows sharing between computers or users and helps organize user Background Map definitions Object data (EED) are no longer attached to the texts when labeling while importing [T4888] In addition, if the option "Insert only the labels and omit the objects" is activated, the option "Import Features data as objects Extended Entity Data (EED)" is disabled so that an empty data table is not created [F2846] Added option to define the 'Text qualifier' in the ASCII data provider, both when Importing and Exporting [F2818] The SHP data provider now allows to select character encoding of data when exporting [F2582] It is now possible to define a spatial filter in the WFS (OGR) data provider (previously only available in the WFS (FDO) data provider) [F2840] When selecting by query (SPMSELECTBYQUERY) it is now possible to choose the value of a Field from a list of available values [F2617] (Related video) The EPSG tables (CRSs and other objects) have been updated to version 9.5 [T4843] Several coordinate systems and transformations used in Croatia and Russia are added to the application [F2823] The application performance when reading the object data has been greatly improved [F2799] Fixes The SPMEXPORT (Exporting) parameter window no longer brings erroneously when running SPMIMPORT (Importing) without going through the wizard steps, in drawings containing Block definitions [D2113] Fixed a selection by query error that returned wrong results when changing a Field to another in the query definition window [D2109] Fixed a bug in the reading of WMS servers that had some problem in the definition of their Coordinate Systems [D2112] Added a modification to support certain WMS servers that deliver inverted axis maps [D2095] Fixed a problem that caused background maps to stop working when coordinate systems were transformed using grid files [D2136] Fixed a bug that happened when activating the Background Maps with an imprecise north view orientation [D2140] An internal parameter has been modified to correct access to the preset Nearmap Background Maps [D2114] No more errors while importing LiDAR files (.LAS/.LAZ) when they include out-of-range classifications [D2081 (partial)] Now the Block attributes are correctly rotated when importing point elements by selecting the Block to use according to the value of a Field [D2115] The functionality of SPMZOOMTOSELECTION has been improved to center the selected object if it does not have an extension (for example a single Point) [D2123] Fixed a bug that caused problems when reading KML/KMZ files containing duplicate fields [D2128] Fixed a problem when reading KMZ files containing multiple KML files [D2129] | |
June 21, 2018 - Release 4.2.1 News - DroneDeploy Background Maps integration [F2795] (Related video) *** New free 'Spatial Manager Background Map' "App" (included in DroneDeploy "App Market") that allows you to download DroneDeploy Background Map definitions in the format *.bmd (Background Map Definition files) *** Import *.bmd files from the Background Maps Configuration window [F2811 - preliminary version] Improvements - Sub-domains can now be configured in the Background Map definition URL for those XYZ/TMS services that provide multiple download servers [F2812] *** This allows to optimize the reading of Maps images by means of automatic "balancing" between different servers - Added support for accessing map servers using TLS 1.2 security protocol [F2753] - The performance of the Background Maps in drawings containing many objects has been significantly improved [D2071] - The editing and navigation functionalities in the object Properties (application main palette) have been reviewed and improved [D927] - The process to load the application dynamic libraries has been improved in order to prevent conflicts with other installed applications [T4847] Fixes - The Background Map is now always placed behind all the objects in the drawing, unless the "Bring map to front" option is selected [D2098] - Fixed an issue with case-sensitive settings on strict WMS servers [D2093] - Access to WMS servers that do not support root-layer requests has been changed [D2108] - Now confirmation is required if you close the Background Map definition/edition window without saving the changes [D2092] - Decimal zeros are now suppressed while loading Attribute values when importing point items as Blocks [D2102] - No more errors when importing from a source whose Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is unknown [D2094] - A specific warning is now displayed when importing from an source without a defined CRS [D2096] - Solved an issue related to importing raster Images in the trial version of the application [D2106] - Fixed a bug that happened while saving an imported Raster image when overwriting an existing one that was in use [D2107] - If there are images attached in a drawing when Publishing to Google Earth, they are no longer overwritten even if the KML/KMZ destination folder is the same as the one containing the referenced images [D2070] - Solved an issue that sometimes caused a screen error when the application support was outdated [D2073] - Fixed the design of some application windows as there was a strange effect of overlapping the trial mode and the update available windows [D2105] - Reviewed the design of the available update window with missing buttons and images [D2111] - No more miscellaneous errors when expanding User Data Sources (USD) by double-clicking [D2110] | |
April 21, 2018 - Release 4.2.0 News - Added the LiDAR files (LAS, LAZ) data provider [F2643] - Added the georeferenced raster images (TIF, JPG, PNG, JPEG, TIFF) data provider [F2756] *** References via (World File) (TFW, JGW, etc.) or GeoTIFF - 'Spatial Manager' API *** New LISP functions to managing the Coordinate System (CRS) assigned to the drawing [F2660] **** (spm_csgetdrawingcrscode) : Returns the current drawing CRS Code **** (spm_csgetdrawingcrsname) : Returns the current drawing CRS Name **** (spm_cssetdrawingcrs CRS#) : Assigns to the drawing the CRS whose Code isCRS# Improvements - The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2019 and other Autodesk 2019 products [T4772] - New option to bring the Background Map to front [F2760] *** Very useful with maps that include transparent areas - New options when Capturing a Background Map image [F2735] *** Choice of the image format *** Generation of the geo-reference file (World File) - The Background Maps selection window can now be resized [F2678] - The properties of the polygon fill Hatches can now be selected from Fields values when importing [F2762] - The percentage of the imported or exported objects is now shown in the task run information window (if the total of objects to be processed is known) [F2763] *** In addition, the thousands separator is shown in the numbers of the imported, exported and total objects - The application "remembers" now the last path selected when Importing (through SPMIMPORT) or Exporting [F2729] - Several import options that were unnecessary when importing point elements have been disabled [F2778] - Improved (or disabled) the default option to import the Z coordinate depending on the source to be imported [F2726] - 'Import-all' tool enhancements *** The function has been adapted to make it compatible with the new data providers for LiDAR files and raster images *** Set a working path where to store any auxiliary file required by the process (such as transformed images) *** Now you can select from several options the CRS of those data sources to import that do not have it defined [F2773] *** New option to distribute the objects in Layers according to the source Table name [F2775] **** The distribution already existed according to the source file name but this new option is of interest for files that can contain several tables (SDF, SQLITE, etc.) - The current Layer is no longer changed after the Import processes [F2783] - New option to export the Hatches data (if any) in the data table [F2761] *** Name, Angle, Scale (Spacing for User patterns) and Double (User patterns) - When publishing to Google Earth, the user can now set the size reduction of images so that they are not hidden or cropped in GE [D2066] - The number of objects selected for which Properties are shown in the application palette is now limited by the system variable PROPOBJLIMIT [F2766] - The application data source tree is enhanced by hiding certain "ghost" files, whose extension is confused with that defined for a particular data provider (for example, "Thumbs. db" files in some versions of Windows) [F2771] - New options have been included in several application windows to access detailed information about a selected coordinate system or transformation [F1316] - The EPSG tables (CRSs and other objects) have been updated to version 9.2 [T4705] - Have been added some Western Australian projections that are not included in the EPSG standard [F2755] *** Their codes in the application begin with 90000001 - Have been added some Russian projections that are not included in the EPSG standard [F2758] *** Their codes in the application begin with 91000001 - The default selection of the current coordinate transformation area has been improved [F2759] See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 24, 2017 - Release 4.1.0 Improvements A configuration option has been included in order to improve the quality of the background maps images [F2734] Authentication options are improved when defining background maps by user and password [F2723] The CUI files are unified for homogenizing all 'Spatial Manager' for CAD applications [F2736] The search terms are extended for intelligent column selection when importing user ASCII files [F2461] Fixes Very large numerical values now cause no problems when displaying the data of the objects in the application palette [D2025] Solved an issue when reading null geometries in the PostGIS data provider [D2036] Fixed an error that caused certain application buttons failing to enable/disable properly [D2037] The management of Coordinate Systems has been enhanced in order to correctly read the variants of CRSs defined using feet [D2026] See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
November 22, 2017 - Release 4.1.0 Improvements A configuration option has been included in order to improve the quality of the background maps images [F2734] Authentication options are improved when defining background maps by user and password [F2723] The CUI files are unified for homogenizing all 'Spatial Manager' for CAD applications [F2736] The search terms are extended for intelligent column selection when importing user ASCII files [F2461] Fixes Very large numerical values now cause no problems when displaying the data of the objects in the application palette [D2025] Solved an issue when reading null geometries in the PostGIS data provider [D2036] Fixed an error that caused certain application buttons failing to enable/disable properly [D2037] The management of Coordinate Systems has been enhanced in order to correctly read the variants of CRSs defined using feet [D2026] See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
October 2, 2017 - Release 4.0.0 New 'Spatial Manager' API LISP function to transform the coordinates of a Point [F2662] (spm_cstransformpoint '(x y z) SourceCRS# TargetCRS# [Tranformation#]) Command-line 'Spatial Manager' commands (Related video) '-SPMIMPORT [Task name]' [F2509] Supported wildcards in the "Task name" in order to process multiple Tasks simultaneously (batch processing) Improvements Dynamic 'Background maps' functionality (Related video) Enhancements in the map selection window [F2654] The window has been enlarged to allow viewing of more maps and more map group tabs New button included to access the maps configuration from this window, avoiding the need to leave it in order to do this through the application options New option to "Zoom to the map" when a map is selected [F2658 & F2706] Transparent maps supported [F2655] More preset Maps included. New group (tabs) layout [F2696] User maps configuration Supported "dimension" maps (date, time, etc.) [F2658] Supported "axis-inverted" maps [F2658] Added the option to define authentication parameters (user, password, etc.) [F2668] Now the created maps have a unique Identifier [F2697] This allows you to define different maps sharing the same name into different groups New "Save as a copy" button to quickly configure multiple maps without leaving the parameter window [F2684] Support for WMS and WMTS services (in addition to existing XYZ/TMS services) [F2590] Selecting multiple layers of a server [F2679] View of the full server layers tree Default map name taken from the selected layer(s) [F2568] Supported maps defined using any coordinate system (CRS) [F2568] The "Automatic" option automatically configures the map CRS just like the current drawing CRS, and will reload it whenever there are changes of the drawing CRS [F2699] If this CRS is not available on the server, the application tries to optimize the most suitable CRS available Supported map images defined using any graphic format (PNG, JPG, BMP, etc.) [F2567] The "Automatic" option automatically sets the most suitable image format [F2699] Supported any resolution image tiles (256x256, 512x512, etc.) [F2567] Two methods to download the images from a server: "Single image (recommended)" or "Image tiles grid" (WMS only) [F2657] ASCII data provider (CSV, TXT, ASC, etc.) enhanced functionality [F2461] (Related video) New "Custom" format that allows you to define the columns for the X/Y/Z coordinates and consider the other columns as data Column headers "Smart" assignation of coordinate columns according to the names of headers (X,LON,LONGITUDE - Y/LAT/LATITUDE - Z/H , case insensitive) [F2692] Now if invalid or illegible lines are found in the file, the upload or import process continues New option to create a unique key field (numerical consecutive) when exporting (AdSPMKey) [F2561] This field will be defined as primary key, if the target data provider uses keys (SQL Server Spatial, PostGIS, SQLite, etc.) Now, when a drawing is published in Google Earth (SPMCREATEKML), texts are exported as named points (text content), in order to display the tags automatically [F2652] New language added to the application: French/Français [F2678] Now when defining or editing a data Table, the field length (and the number of decimal places, if applicable) are shown in brackets next to the field name [F2673] Now, the field length (and the number of decimal places, if applicable) are shown in brackets next to the field name Default values for length (and number of decimal places, if applicable) are set when creating new fields in a data Table [F2674 / F2672] Now, if read from a data Table, a field which has zero length is assigned to the length a default value dependent of the field type [F2671] Z coordinate value is now displayed in the Properties palette [F2676] See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 24, 2017 - Release 3.3.2 News *New command SPMBGMAPIMAGEPURGE that allows you to delete "orphan" image tiles and perform some other Background Maps cleaning operations [F2584] Improvements *The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2018 and other Autodesk 2018 products [T4656] *Added a new option to fill closed Polylines as if they were Polygons when publishing in Google Earth (SPMCREATEKML) [F2649] *Now the CRS code is displayed in addition to the name in the CRSs selection dropdown [F2612] *Field Selection lists are now sorted alphabetically at any time [F2516] *Integration with the 'Nearmap' Background Maps [F2625] *Added partial support for 'AutoCAD Architecture' objects [F2648] *The info about the purchase and/or extension of support and updates when a new version is published now appears more clear and concise [F2613] *The buttons in graphics windows of the application have been enhanced to not be affected by the Windows text size scale [F2618] *New fields for the type and subtypes of the elements can be optionally added when importing from OpenStreetMap [F2431] *Now the maximum timeout set on a SQL Server data source is used not only for connection opening but also for any SQL operation [F2627] *The AutoCAD version has been included in the application Error Report [F2647] Fixes *SPMEXPORT no longer runs if there are no objects in the drawing [D1944] *The CRS of an object is now correctly recognized when executing any type of task, even though the CRS has changed in elements of the Data Sources area [D1976] *Fixed some problems that occurred when attaching objects to a Data Table [D1981] *Fixed an "Unhandled Exception" error that occurred sometimes when loading the Ribbon [D1990] *Now exporting to KML/KMZ (Google Earth) files is correctly performed even if there are fields including a null character [D1986] *Fixed an issue that occurred when importing from OpenStreetMap choosing options that did not select any element [D1982] *In some cases the last Point was not exported to a Shapefile. Fixed an issue related to the length of the Point type records [D1987] *Fixed an error "Out of index" when reading Shapefiles [D1989] *Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
Jan 12, 2017 - Release 3.3.1 Improvements * New option to Import into the current drawing all the files included in a folder by one click ("Import all") [F1067] ** Shapefiles, GML, OpenStreetMap, etc. ** Can be executed from the contextual menu of the folders in the application palette ** Option to create a Layer for each file imported ** First version in BETA state includes minimum parameters, some absences and possible defects *** This functionality will be enhanced in future versions of the application * Now you can export the Length and Area of the objects [F2616] ** The Export Options window in SPMEXPORT has been rearranged and expanded to group the options relative to geometric data * Selection by Query improvements (SPMSELECTBYQUERY) [F2614] ** Now the command keeps the list of query conditions used the last time it was executed ** If there are no results during a query, the command window is shown again and keeps the list of query conditions ** Added a button to remove all query conditions from the list (clean) * The execution speed of certain commands such as SPMSELECTBYQUERY, SPMEXPORT, SPMSELECTBYTABLE, SPMCREATEKML and others, has been improved by up to 600% [F2608] * A modification is made to maintain the Z-coordinate when applying a projection to any point [F2449] * The Importing function has been improved to take into account the value of the variable ANGDIR (angles positive direction) in the Blocks references and in the texts when Labeling [F2620] Fixes * Fixed a bug that prevented the data from being successfully updated when overwriting an SDF file [D1975] * Now the Zoom to Selection (SPMZOOMTOSELECTION) defines at all times a correct view with the Extension of the Selection [D1979] * Fixed an issue that occurred when importing files whose name included a special character (",","%","$", etc.) [D1978] * Now, the queries over empty or zero-value Fields return results [D1980] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
Jan 6, 2017 - Release 3.3.1 Improvements * New option to Import into the current drawing all the files included in a folder by one click ("Import all") [F1067] ** Shapefiles, GML, OpenStreetMap, etc. ** Can be executed from the contextual menu of the folders in the application palette ** Option to create a Layer for each file imported ** First version in BETA state includes minimum parameters, some absences and possible defects *** This functionality will be enhanced in future versions of the application * Now you can export the Length and Area of the objects [F2616] ** The Export Options window in SPMEXPORT has been rearranged and expanded to group the options relative to geometric data * Selection by Query improvements (SPMSELECTBYQUERY) [F2614] ** Now the command keeps the list of query conditions used the last time it was executed ** If there are no results during a query, the command window is shown again and keeps the list of query conditions ** Added a button to remove all query conditions from the list (clean) * The execution speed of certain commands such as SPMSELECTBYQUERY, SPMEXPORT, SPMSELECTBYTABLE, SPMCREATEKML and others, has been improved by up to 600% [F2608] * A modification is made to maintain the Z-coordinate when applying a projection to any point [F2449] * The Importing function has been improved to take into account the value of the variable ANGDIR (angles positive direction) in the Blocks references and in the texts when Labeling [F2620] Fixes * Fixed a bug that prevented the data from being successfully updated when overwriting an SDF file [D1975] * Now the Zoom to Selection (SPMZOOMTOSELECTION) defines at all times a correct view with the Extension of the Selection [D1979] * Fixed an issue that occurred when importing files whose name included a special character (",","%","$", etc.) [D1978] * Now, the queries over empty or zero-value Fields return results [D1980] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
Dec 1, 2016 - Release 3.3.1 Improvements * New option to Import into the current drawing all the files included in a folder by one click ("Import all") [F1067] ** Shapefiles, GML, OpenStreetMap, etc. ** Can be executed from the contextual menu of the folders in the application palette ** Option to create a Layer for each file imported ** First version in BETA state includes minimum parameters, some absences and possible defects *** This functionality will be enhanced in future versions of the application * Now you can export the Length and Area of the objects [F2616] ** The Export Options window in SPMEXPORT has been rearranged and expanded to group the options relative to geometric data * Selection by Query improvements (SPMSELECTBYQUERY) [F2614] ** Now the command keeps the list of query conditions used the last time it was executed ** If there are no results during a query, the command window is shown again and keeps the list of query conditions ** Added a button to remove all query conditions from the list (clean) * The execution speed of certain commands such as SPMSELECTBYQUERY, SPMEXPORT, SPMSELECTBYTABLE, SPMCREATEKML and others, has been improved by up to 600% [F2608] * A modification is made to maintain the Z-coordinate when applying a projection to any point [F2449] * The Importing function has been improved to take into account the value of the variable ANGDIR (angles positive direction) in the Blocks references and in the texts when Labeling [F2620] Fixes * Fixed a bug that prevented the data from being successfully updated when overwriting an SDF file [D1975] * Now the Zoom to Selection (SPMZOOMTOSELECTION) defines at all times a correct view with the Extension of the Selection [D1979] * Fixed an issue that occurred when importing files whose name included a special character (",","%","$", etc.) [D1978] * Now, the queries over empty or zero-value Fields return results [D1980] Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
May 3, 2016 - Release 3.2.0 Improvements - You can select the name of the Block according to the value of a field, when you use Blocks to import point elements (Points and Centroids) - The Centroids, Points or Blocks, are now sorted in the drawing always in front of the hatches or the Polygons fills - The names of the Blocks, and the names and values of their Attributes, are shown in the application Palette - Three new Exporting options: - Names of the Blocks - Fields with null values - Objects data (EED/XDATA) (they were always exported in previous versions) Fixes - The application Palette has been improved to display and allow editing of the null fields - Now all kinds of Hyperlinks (local or remote) in the application Palette work as expected - The GML data provider has been improved as, in some cases, the objects were not read when imported without associated data - Fixed some problems that occur when inserting rotated Blocks - Fixed an issue concerning the format of the windows for unsupported licenses based on the executed version Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
May 3, 2016 - Release 3.2.0 Improvements - You can select the name of the Block according to the value of a field, when you use Blocks to import point elements (Points and Centroids) - The Centroids, Points or Blocks, are now sorted in the drawing always in front of the hatches or the Polygons fills - The names of the Blocks, and the names and values of their Attributes, are shown in the application Palette - Three new Exporting options: - Names of the Blocks - Fields with null values - Objects data (EED/XDATA) (they were always exported in previous versions) Fixes - The application Palette has been improved to display and allow editing of the null fields - Now all kinds of Hyperlinks (local or remote) in the application Palette work as expected - The GML data provider has been improved as, in some cases, the objects were not read when imported without associated data - Fixed some problems that occur when inserting rotated Blocks - Fixed an issue concerning the format of the windows for unsupported licenses based on the executed version Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements See the Application Changelog: http://wiki.spatialmanager.com/index.php/Spatial_Manager%E2%84%A2_for_AutoCAD_Changelog | |
March 23, 2016 - Release 3.1.0 Improvements The application is now compatible with AutoCAD 2017 and other Autodesk 2017 products The handling of the Coordinate System catalog has been improved when used to assign a system to a drawing, or modify one already assigned By default, only the "Projected" type Coordinate Systems are shown in the list (unless the currently selected is another type) During a working session the search filter used previously remains unchanged Now, when there are multiple search terms, they are searched for in any field (not all in the same field) The application performance has been significantly improved when only the geometries of the objects are imported (and none of their data are used to set the layers separation, labels, etc.) The option "Import Features data…" is now turned off by default The options "Elevation" and "Thickness" will now be disabled when importing 3D Polylines only The Z-coordinate is now exported in all the cases. If not available, the object Elevation is exported as a Z-coordinate In addition, there is a new option to export the Elevation as data in a new field The application performance when exporting to KML or KMZ files has been significantly improved The workflow when showing a background map without a Coordinate System assigned to the drawing, has been improved: now, in addition to the relevant warning, the Coordinate System catalog is directly accessible The behavior of the background maps when the drawing view is not the plan view, has been improved There can now be groups of background maps on which some maps are locked and others not (free use). Previously to this version the whole group was locked or not depending on the user key The background map "Ordnance Survey OpenData", free of use and valid for the UK area, has been included Now, when you access the Support products page from the application, you will only be redirected to those products for the edition that is running (Basic, Standard or Professional) Fixes A bug has been fixed which prevented the import of objects when filtering to the current view in certain drawings Now you can update to a new version when you first run an earlier version Fixed an issue which occurred when checking for a new version if the application loading time was over 10 sec. Fixed a v.3.0 issue affecting the export performance of SDF files Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements | |
May 8, 2015 - Release 2.2.0 Improvements Fixes Corrections of other minor bugs and other minor improvements
The application now considers the displacement of the Origin of coordinates in all cases where needed
When pressing F1 over the ribbon, the application Help page is shown