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UA Cross Section Traffic Noise Barrier Calc
OS: Win32 and 64Create a cross sectional noise map with multiple traffic noise sources. Interactive calculation of noise barrier height with multiple sources and receivers.
USD 21.99/M -
OS: Win32 and 64The Sokoban plugin allows you to play the classic Sokoban game inside Autodesk® AutoCAD®!
Free -
CADsecurity Signature
OS: Win64CADsecurity Signature helps you to place watermarks and well-hidden signatures in your drawing as prevention or protection against unauthorized copying of a drawing's parts.
Trial -
DWG Converter CADInLa
OS: Win64With CADInLa 2019, CAD users can analyze, manipulate, and fully automatically adapt any drawing to their own CAD convention, and erase any and all imperfections in the design.