Planting F/X

Digitally signed app
Planting F/X transforms Autodesk® AutoCAD® into a platform built for landscape architects. Start by building a plant palette from a database of more than 26,000 trees, shrubs, and groundcovers. Don’t see your plant? You can add it! Assign data such as plant size, per-unit cost, and more, to each plant. Then place your plants in your CAD drawings as smart blocks for individual plants or smart hatches for planting areas – all pulled from an extensive library of plant symbols. You can even use your own custom blocks and hatches.
Label your plan quickly and easily. Labels are placed as smart MLeader callouts tied to the plants they identify. Check for errors with a click, and place instant schedules with automatic quantities. Apply your office standards to everything from fonts and layer colors to plant symbols and plant label styles. Never count plants again! Transform your planting plans into color presentations and back into construction documents instantly, and easily move your drawings into 3D models using SketchUp, Rhino, or Autodesk® Revit®.
We have 100s of hours of educational material available at LandFX.com/Learn including 2-3 min quick tip videos called Power Tips that cover specific tools or features and 1 hour Webinar recordings to go over certain aspects of the software as well as our Getting Started Guides which cover a full breakdown of each side of our Add-Ons.
You also have access to our amazing Support if you have any questions or run into any snags, drop us a line at LandFX.com/Support and we'll be happy to get you going in the right direction.
Get more information on the Land F/X website.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).
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By downloading Planting F/X from the App Store you will begin a 15-day full access trial of the software with no restrictions on functionality.
At the end of the trial, you will be notified that you can purchase a license from LandFX.com. You will receive an email after downloading with your Support ID, please note this Support ID is required to install the software. If you do not receive the email with your Support ID please contact Land F/X at support@landfx.com or 805-541-1003 Ext 2.