AutoRebar 2025

Digitally signed app
Rebar detailing software and automatic bar bending schedules.
Easy-to-use interface for immediate productivity.
AutoRebar provides Autodesk® AutoCAD® (and all vertical products) with an extra toolbar with special objects for rebar detailing of reinforced concrete structures.
New users find AutoRebar so easy to use that they can achieve good productivity in a matter of hours. If you can use AutoCAD, essentially you are already proficient with AutoRebar.
AutoRebar offers a variety of special objects such as Rebars, Crosshairs, Marks, Callouts, and the BBS.
Rebars are created and stretched similarly to AutoCAD polylines and their diameter can be simply edited with a double click; all AutoRebar entities are dynamically linked and update automatically when one of them is modified.
The user can add a new Mark by selecting the Rebar to be linked, and double click it to edit data such as the bar grouping criteria, the bar spacing and the size of the range; alternatively, either a Crosshairs object or a normal AutoCAD® dimension can be linked to the Mark and used to specify scheduling data such as the spacing and the range of a bundle of bars in the concrete structure. AutoRebar automatically calculates the total quantity for that Mark and reacts to any changes should any of the linked objects change at any time. For instance, if the concrete structure that contains linked Rebars and/or Dimensions is stretched by the user, the total number of bars in the linked Mark updates immediately.
Bar Bending Schedules can be either inserted in the drawing or exported to Excel with a simple click. The BBS command includes all the Marks in the current drawing, while the selBBS command allows to create a schedule by selection for a specific part of the structure.
The displayed format of the Marks, the layout of the BBS and the terminology used by AutoRebar can all be customized to fit company-specific standards and to produce drawings in any language.
Get started with the self-paced tutorials and learn AutoRebar's basic tools and techniques:
- Tutorial 1 - Rebars
- Tutorial 2 - curved Rebars
- Tutorial 3 - hooked Rebars
- Tutorial 4 - looped Rebars
- Tutorial 5 - turn polylines into Rebars
- Tutorial 6 - Stirrups
- Tutorial 7 - Crossties
- Tutorial 8 - Crosshairs
- Tutorial 9 - Marks and BBS'
- Tutorial 10 - linked dimensions
- Tutorial 11 - tracing Links and Conflicts
- Tutorial 12 - Callouts
- Tutorial 13 - annotation scales
- Tutorial 14 - exploding objects
- Tutorial 15 - variable Marks
- Tutorial 16 - export to Excel
The installer is compatible with AutoCAD 2015 to 2025 (including all vertical products).
License notes: AutoRebar licenses are perpetual (pay once and use forever), they include free updates for compatibility with future AutoCAD versions and can be moved from one computer to another with a simple click. AutoRebar licenses are managed independently from Autodesk.
Can you help remove/deactivated autorebar from my old device? because I can't use it on my new device
Hi Marsanto, I belive we have resolved your request for assistance a few days ago from info@autorebar.com
Hi Paolo,
I'm working on autocad 2025 with auturebar and there are some issues
1- the Dimension of bars are reversed i tried every possible way to make it in the right direction
2- there is arrwos appears in bar marks i can't remove it
so please if there is any thing i can do with this issues
Hi Ayman, Happy to help. 1. The Rebar dimensions are upside-down because the UCS was upside-down when you created the Rebar. This is by design. AutoRebar objects keep memory of the UCS they were created with, so that the dimensions keep the proper orientation when the UCS is different from the WCS and/or multiple UCSs are used in the same drawing. Quite often the concrete shape is in global coordinates, but the reinforcement is better shown in a more convenient orientation. 2. The arrows appear when you run the TRACELINKS command. You can hide them with the HIDELINKS command. Links within AutoRebar object help identify the internal connections and data flow between AutoRebar objects. I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact us at info@autorebar.com if you need further support.
Hi Nasser, the AutoRebar 2025 TraceLinks command is there for you. It draws arrows between Marks and Rebars to highlight the underlying links. I hope this helps. Paolo
Grazie per questo buon applicativo e per le migliorie introdotte rispetto alla varsione precedente. La presenza della BBS e le nuove personalizzazioni funzionano.
Ho notato che le Dimensions che si applicano alle Rebar non finiscono sul layer AutoRebar - Dimensions, ma rimangono sul layer AutoRebar - Rebars.
suggerimento per il futuro - se fattibile : il disegno delle barre in prospetto utilizzando le serie, come fatto per le barre in sezione.
grazie per il lavoro!
Hi Andrea, thanks for the review. Dimensions in a dynamic rebar are part and parcel of the Rebar object and therefore they can only stay on the same layer as the rebar. However, if you explode the Rebar they will be transferred to a dedicated layer. I hope this helps and feel free to reach out at info@autorebar.com for more help.
Hi guys, This plugin works with AutoCad LT?
Hi Sir,
I'm a Civil student, wants to Use it for free. Is it possible
Hi Nisar, yes we do provide student licenses. Please send evidence to info@autorebar.com that you are currently a student in civil engineering or similarly related course and we will provide you with a student license for AutoRebar 2025.
Hi Mohamed, the AutoRebar TraceLinks command is there for you. It draws arrows between Marks and Rebars to highlight the underlying links. I hope this helps. Paolo
hi Sir, why i crosshair fills not properly working. It show me the bars without fill
i don't know how to pug in auto rebar on autocad 2019, please help me to setting up.
Hi, please drop us a line at info@autorebar.com and we will be more than happy to assist.
i want to study plugin autorebar
i hope someday this plugin also support for autocad mac version, very usefull companion plugins for autocad...
Is the autorebar works whith autcad version 2015+2018?
Hi Kamil, yes it does.
Hi Kamil, yes AutoRebar 2.1 will work with any any AutoCAD version from 2013 onwards. That includes all vertical products such as Civil 3D, architecture, and many others.
It keeps telling me that I require a internet connection even while i have full bars
Hi Jovany, Internet connection is only required to activate your license on your first login. Once your license has been activated you can use AutoRebar without any internet connection. If you are experiencing any issues, please send us more details at info@autorebar.com and we will be happy to help. Regards, Paolo Locatelli
hi Sir, why the crosshair fills not properly working. It show me the bars without fill
Please be asked after I install the AutoCAD in new computer. How can I install the AutoRebar to addin to new AutoCAD in new computer?
Thanks in advance.
Beat Regards
Hi Winai, yes you can do that. Go to Autorebar Options > Marks > Set diameter symbol to "DB " and spacing symbol to " @ "
I am a student and i would like to know if i can have a free version for student?
Hi Ibra, we do support students. Please send a request to info@autorebar.com Cheers Paolo Locatelli
very good
i am a student how i can get free download for Autorebar?
Hi Ali, You can apply for a student license at info@autorebar.com
I can't draw a second line. Por example if I want to draw a "L" I can do the horizotal but i can't continuo the other the vertical line.
Hi Jose, Please don't press ENTER after drawing the first section of the "L" because that terminates the Rebar command. Regards, PL
hi Sir, why i crosshair fills not properly working. It show me the bars without fill
Dear Paolo,
I am a student and I have Autocad as a student version. I installed autorebar tool but it is not activated so how can i activate it.
For your information, I have sent to you email but you did not reply ?!! Please advise.Waiting for your reply.This email id also registered in autocad app for student version.AND one more question can i use it in my macbook?cause no option for macbook found.i have a windows pc also
Hi Rahul, We respond to all requests at info@autorebar.com, however the difference in time zone might cause some delay in the response. Regards, PL
Can i activate the app on multi Laptops? for the same user
Hi Moyed, Yes absolutely. You can transfer a license over multiple computers. Multiple licenses are only necessary if you want to run AutoRebar on multiple computers cuncurrently. Regards, Paolo Locatelli
it works with autocad 2016?
Hi Mario, Compatibility is with Autocad 2013 or newer, including all vertical products such as Civil 3D, Architecture, Mechanical, but not in LT version.
I Really appreciate this great tool. I have a copy in an old device and i came to buy a new one, i am surprized by the upadted double priced upadted version.
I am interested, I would like to try a trial version, and see if it meets my expectations.
hi Brayan, free trial available upon request at info@autorebar.com
is there a trial version ? afraid to buy but not as expected
Hi Yanuar, you can request a free trial at info@autorebar.com
Hi there, my previous pc got stolen and I had installed the software previously there and I am trying to change it to my other PC.
How do I release the license from the previous pc to use in the new one???
Hi Joao, problem solved through customer support at info@autorebar.com
Dear Paolo,
I am a student and i have Autocad as a student version. I installed autorebar tool but it is not activated so how can i activate it.
For your information, I have sent to you email but you did not reply ?!! Please advise, many thanks
Hi Salma, we have created a student license for you following your request at info@autorebar.com
Hi Justine, Yes, a Mark object can be linked to a pair of Rebar objects that specify the start and end shape and length of the variable rebar range. The total weight is calculated by assuming a linearly variable pattern within the range. This brief video tutorial is a step by step guide: https://www.autorebar.com/video-tutorials/video-15-variable-marks/ You can email us at info@autorebar.com to request a trial. Cheers, Paolo
after i have log in into the autorebar with email address and pin, "autorebar license control panel" prompt came out and it stated that my license status was busy and i was unable to activate it please advice.
Hi Kimhooi, that's because your license is currently locked on another computer of yours. You can unlock a license at any time by clicking the "Deactivate" button in the AutoRebar license control panel from the computer where the license is currently being used. For more specific assistance, you can contact us at info@autorebar.com. Paolo
Hi Paolo
im' a cad manager in een engineeringsoffice in belgium
befor buyin this app is there the possibilitie to get a trial periode for free
we want to be sure that the app is doing what we need or not.
thanks for your reply
Hi Mohammed, Thank you for your interest in AutoRebar. Please request your trial version at info@autorebar.com Cheers, Paolo
Hello sir, I am a Chinese engineering student. I heard that student in engineering can get free access to this software, I wonder if it is true?
Hi Yizhou, we are happy to provide students with a student license for AutoRebar. Please send us evidence that you are still a student in civil engineering or similarly related course at info@autorebar.com. Cheers Paolo
Is the $112 for one year license or it is a perpetual license?
Perpetual license.
Can it be used in an offline environment?
I can use Autocad only in intranet environment due to company's security policy.
Hi, yes you won't need a running internet connection except for the initial activation of the license.
Dear Sir
I am a student how i can get free download for Autorebar?
Hi Harry, Please send us proof of currently being a student in engineering or equivalent course, and we will provide you with a student license for AutoRebar. You may address your request to info@autorebar.com
Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to enquiry that how can I get PIN to Activate Autorebar.
When I press Manage Tab and Log in to reset PIN, I cannot continue.
Please kindly help this issue.
Your kind attention would be so much appreciated.
Best Regards,
Phyo Wai Lin
Hi, please contact us at info@autorebar.com and we'll be happy to assist. Cheers. PL
After trial, i can't completely uninstall this app in control panel. it ask every time when I start autocad. How can I completely remove it ?
Thank you.
Uninstalling AutoRebar from the control panel completely removes the app from both AutoCad and Windows. This download page is for the full version, not a trial. Additional support is readily available at info@autorebar.com
i am a student how i can get free download for Autorebar?
Hi Zial, please contact us at info@autorebar.com
so good
The link to video tutoriel 8 is the same as video tutorial 7... :-(
Some very useful application for structural engineers. The benefit to use app like this instead only pure AutoCAD objects can be feld immediately after first minutes of work. I started to work with it before 2 months and soon will make my first middle size building.
The app is helping a lot. You need to spent some time in order to learn what you can do with it, but once you do that, you will find that it really helps save a lot of time with the drawings. It may cause some Autocad instability but the owner of the app was quick to reply and give a solution.
For those who do not have a proper lisp may be useful. The ods are that it does not add stability to AutoCad, has to be exploded, does not allow different rebar list in the same drawing. My solution was to make the rebar drawing with a formwork external reference, then explode and use the exploded file for plot. All the proscess was heavy and time waisting, and also lead to mistakes..
Programme très utile pour dessiner en Génie Civil et Construction. Précision extrême et simplicité d'usage phénoménale.
Easy to work and learn. Very fast for small drawings generation.