Area Object Link (AOL)
Area Object Link (AOL) is an add-in app coded entirely using AutoLISP®/Visual LISP® offering 100% Autodesk® AutoCAD® compatibility. AOL contains six command modules five of which offers a graphic user interface (GUI) to facilitate the implementation of Fields to link supported objects area/perimeter values.
(1./2./3.) Area Object Link (AOL) / Perimeter Object Link (POL) / Area Perimeter Link (APL) Modules’ GUI consists of the following:
A. Area/Perimeter Object Commands:
1. Link - simplifies steps needed to Link the Area / Perimeter value of already drawn Circles, Ellipses*, Hatches*, Plines, or Regions as Fields to already placed Attribute, MText, or Text.
2. Insert - proceeds to insert a pre-built AOL/POL/APL Block and then links using Fields the Attributes to already drawn Circles, Ellipses*, Hatches*, Plines or Regions' Area / Perimeter value.
3. Draw – the Pline command is used to draw a closed boundary shape and then insert the AOL/POL/APL Block, linking the attribute to the area/perimeter value.
4. Select – offers the user the option to select already pre-drawn supported objects like closed Plines and then automatically insert the AOL/POL/APL Block at the center of each selected shape linking the Attributes to the Area / Perimeter value
5. Show - allows the user to select an Attribute, MText, or Text with Fields to show the object(s) highlighted & shaded that have linked Area / Perimeter values.
6. Update - gives the user the option to select pre-built AOL/POL/APL Block, Attribute, MText, and Text objects with Fields that contain linked Area / Perimeter values updating them to match the current AOL/POL/APL Option settings.
* = Ellipses and Hatches only offer Area value
B. Area/Perimeter Option Settings:
- Both Imperial (1 unit = 1 Foot or Inch) & Metric (1 unit = 1 Meter, Decimeter, Centimeter or Millimeter) drawing units are supported.
- The Area/Perimeter value can be measured both in Imperial units (Square Feet/Feet, Square Inch/Inch, Square Yard/Yard, Square Mile/Mile or Acre) & in Metric units (Square Meter/Meter, Square Centimeter/Centimeter, Square Millimeter/Millimeter, Hectare or Square Kilometer/Kilometer). You can also enter a custom Area/Perimeter measuring Factor.
- You can select various Insertion Scale Factors and rotation Angles, choose to add a Prefix/Suffix to the Area's/Perimeter’s value such as SF/F or SM/M, and show the Area/Perimeter value formatted to a given decimal Precision using Dot or Comma or Rounded Up or Down.
(4.) Area Object Table (AOT) Module’s GUI consists of the following:
- Table creation for one of the following Blocks: AOL/POL/APL.
- Options to generate and place the summary into Excel and show a row at the bottom with the Area/Perimeter value totals.
- Customize the Summary Table’s Title and Column Headings.
(5.) Attribute Change Layer (ACL) Module changes selected Block and Attributes layers to match with the selected target object.
(6.) Area Object Link Information (AOLINF) Module’s GUI shows the app’s version history, the option to show the app’s Toolbar and publisher information.
this plugins work perfectly but could you add current precision to value formatting because sometimes i need to change all the attribute (i created ) value precisions to more or less zeros
I'm glad the AOL app is working out for you. You should be able to select a different precision under the "Precision" section on the lower left hand corner of the app window before "Inserting" the AOL Block Attribute. After "Inserting" the AOL Block Attributes if they all have the same formatting (scale & suffix) and you want to change their precision format, you can select under the "Area Object Commands" section on the top right hand corner the "Update" radio button then on the drop down list choose "All AOL Blks". Then select a different "Precision" and after clicking "OK", all the previously inserted AOL Blocks precision values will be updated to match.
sorry for misunderstanding. I mean i just need the area field follow the current precision or current units so i can quickly change the number of the zeros by change the units setup
Unfortunately, the app currently does not have an option to select precision/unit values to match with the current precision/units value. Perhaps this option is something that can be added in a future release. Thanks again for your interest in the AOL app.
AOL app version 5.0 now supports the option to select precision/unit values to match with the current precision/units value. Please download and give this new feature a try.
Hello, the program is of high quality and useful, I enjoy using it. However, the program has not been working for a week and gives the following error. I deleted and reinstalled, but it didn't help. Can you help me?
Command: AOL
Start Command [AOL] to Link Attribute/MText/Text to Area Boundary...
..and Command [AOLSET] to Change Default Settings.; error: Exception occurred: 0xC00000FD (Stack Overflow)
; warning: unwind skipped on exception
; error: Exception occurred: 0xC00000FD (Stack Overflow)
Command: AOLSET
; error: Exception occurred: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)
; warning: unwind skipped on exception
; error: Exception occurred: 0xC0000005 (Access Violation)
First of all thanks for downloading and using AOL. But what you’re experiencing could be related to something more serious. You may want to back up your data before going any further. Please review this link for possible solutions: https://www.stellarinfo.com/blog/how-to-fix-error-code-0xc0000005-in-windows/
very useful. great lsp
Thank you...glad you can make good use of this app.
Great! It took me a lot of work to do this manually. you can add option about decimal separator. in my country use comma instead of period. thanks
Glad this saved you lots of work....I may consider adding the comma option as the decimal separator in future versions.
Version 4.1.0 released on September 3, 2021 added the comma option as a decimal separator.
This is a graeat Lisp routine to relink a field, thank you.
Thank you...glad this is helpful for you.
Very, very usefull . Save us a tons os hours !!!! Thanks !
Thank you...glad this is beneficial for you.
I like most the link function (I use mtexts). But I need more personalization: I work in cm and I need area in sqm, and this can't be done. Thank you anyway
I had de same issue. In the lisp file, find de line %<\AcObjProp.16.2 Object(%<\_ObjId 681176416>%).Area \f "%lu2%pr2%ct8[1.000000000000000E-006]%th44">% e change de value 1.000000000000000E-006 to 0.0001. This changes de value of the Conversion Factor inside Field Additional Format to 0.0001. It Works.
Dear Daniel, thank you for yout work-around but I also use drawings in m and mm, so changing the lisp is not a solution for me
harinezumi, this feature has been added in version 4.0.0. Please download the latest and give it a try.
Comment peut-on obtenir le AOL.lsp?
AOL.lsp can be downloaded here from the App Store. Click on the blue Download button located under Free on top right column.