

This program is a set of Autolisp routines that let the user measure the total length or total area of selected objects. Works also with Autodesk® AutoCAD® verticals objects (like duct, flexduct, pipe, fittings, wall, conduit, etc.). The program automatically copies the sum to the clipboard, so it can be then pasted into another program simply by CTRL+V. Additionally, the user can choose the desired decimal symbol presented by both functions to adjust it to be understood by a program where the value is pasted.


To learn how to use read the General Usage Instructions and see a video-example.

이 버전 정보

버전 3.00, 2024-04-29
Added 2025 support.

스크린샷 및 비디오

고객 리뷰

4 리뷰
기술 도움말 보기
  • molto utile
    Franco Taddia | 6월 13, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)


  • Perfeito!
    Maicon Alexandre Medeiros | 3월 07, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Esse plugin traz duas funções que poderiam ser default no Autocad, simplesmente prático, perfeito e funcional, adoro esse plugin

  • Very good add-on
    Yevhen Kikelja | 1월 22, 2021 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    It may be usefull to add two separate DivideBy / MultiplyBy Factor for area and for length calculations. (for example for units conversion when you often measure length and area ofseveral objects simultaneously and it's quite hard to change factors every time)

    David Qarmout | 2월 16, 2021

    I agree

    Andrzej Kalinowski (게시자) | 12월 18, 2021

    thank you for the suggestion. The app has been updated

  • Very useful app
    David Qarmout | 10월 06, 2020 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    I'm a quantity surveyor Civil Engineer, I have been using this app for one year, and now all my colleagues is using it. Its really very helpful and great app! thank you so much...

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