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ArcGIS GeoBIM delivers an innovative, easy-to-use web-based experience for project teams to explore and collaborate on BIM projects and issues using data from multiple systems in a geospatial context.

General Usage Instructions

Autodesk® Construction Cloud™ and Autodesk® BIM 360® Administrators can find the Esri ArcGIS GeoBIM integration in Account Administration under the “Apps” tab. Select "Install or "Add to BIM 360" to enable the integration on your account. Please note each Autodesk® account you want to connect through ArcGIS GeoBIM will need to have this integration enabled first to see related content in the Web Application. 

The following is a quick guide to help set up your first GeoBIM Project. This includes selecting your account connection between ArcGIS GeoBIM and Construction Cloud or BIM 360, create linked content, and configure an app that can be shared. If you would like to follow examples with videos, check out our StoryMap resource on Creating GeoBIM Projects:

  1. After enabling the App integration within your Autodesk Account, sign into ArcGIS Online with your user name, and click the apps menu button at the upper right of the page. 
  2. Click GeoBIM to launch the web application to view and create GeoBIM Projects.
  3. Click Create New in the upper right corner of the Projects page.
  4. Name your project, provide a brief description, include a thumbnail image, and click OK to finish creating the project.
  5. Next on the Accounts page, click Create New. Enter your Autodesk login and Allow the application to access your Autodesk projects. The BIM Account drop down menu appears on the Add Account dialog box where you can select one Autodesk account to associate to your GeoBIM project. Optionally turn off the 'All Projects' toggle button to select a specific project within your Autodesk account to begin making links to in GeoBIM, and click OK.
  6. Now that you selected which Autodesk project to connect to your ArcGIS Online content, you can begin creating links across systems. For automatic web GIS feature creation from DWG, RVT, and Issues, head to the Tools page.
  7. On the GeoBIM project's Tools page, click Locate Engineering Documents, Locate Issues, Create BIM Project Boundaries, and click Run to have GeoBIM search your Autodesk project for digital models and issues to automatically create boundaries and points that georeferenced to world locations with links back to the source data.
  8. While that information processes, you can head to the Links page to add additional links from your existing GIS features in web maps or scenes to any files supported within the Autodesk® Forge viewer.
  9. Once you're finished making links, head to the Apps page to create a new Viewer or Issues Dashboard app with your linked information and confiure it with your desired stylization. Select which map, scene, or both to use in the app, and make sure to click the Save Changes button in the upper right before clicking on the play button to see the resulting app. 
  10. Once you are in the app, you can click the GeoBIM logo button in the upper left corner to return to the Apps page. 
  11. To share an app, click the GeoBIM button to return to the Projects page. Click the sharing button for the project, choose a sharing option that best fits your team's needs, and click OK for others to begin receiving access to your connected GeoBIM project and App(s).

For detailed steps on this process, please visit the ArcGIS GeoBIM product documentation page.



Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Esri
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

For additional support using this web integration into the Construction Cloud or BIM 360, please contact Esri support at

You will need to log in with your ArcGIS username to submit a ticket with your information so that a customer support member can help you with your issues. 

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial product release in ArcGIS Online
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