

, English

Connects Autodesk® BIM 360® and Autodesk Construction Cloud® with Arkio for imports and exports.

General Usage Instructions

Arkio is a PC, Mobile, and VR application that can be downloaded on your devices from our website.

Connecting BIM 360 to Arkio

After downloading Arkio on your devices and installing this BIM 360 integration you can use our BIM 360 portal. To log in to your Autodesk account and give Arkio permission to read and write files on your BIM 360

login.png login_2.png

Once logged in you can link your BIM 360 to Arkio using the top right "Link to Arkio" button. This will open a dialog with a 6 digit authorization code that can be used to connect the apps. This code can be filled on any of the devices with Arkio running by going to the Create/Import/BIM 360 tab on the expanded create drawer or from imports on the model's viewer.link_1.png


BIM360_access.png BIM360_access_2.png


When Arkio and BIM 360 are linked you can see and download the available models that have been exported from BIM 360 and place them in the scene for everyone in the meeting to see.

You can view all active jobs exported that day using the "Export Status" button on the BIM 360 portal. This will show all the export jobs you have activated in the last 24 hours and some statistics for the status and time the jobs took to complete. Please note that exported files will remain available for 24 hours, after that they will need to be exported again.



Exporting from BIM 360 to Arkio

Once Arkio has been linked to BIM 360 you can export models from the  BIM 360 portal by selecting a Revit project from the project browser and clicking on the green Arkio icon (2) in the bottom right corner of your viewer.


When you make an export from BIM 360 the model will look for a 3D view called "Arkio" (with or without capitals). If this view is found in the project that views visibility settings, the section box will be used to make the export to Arkio. If no view with the name Arkio is found a default 3D view of the project will be used instead with all Revit categories and objects visible.

If you are working on large Revit BIM 360 projects we recommend preparing an "Arkio" 3D view in your model with appropriate view settings, furniture, entourage, and railing categories hidden, and a section box around the part of the building you like to export so your models will be able to load on mobile devices and VR.

Once in Arkio, you can see what jobs are being processed (this could take a while for large models) and what models are ready to be downloaded to your device. When you click on the "GET" icon that model will be downloaded from the server.


Once this model is downloaded the "GET" Icon will change to "RVT" And that model will be prepared for Arkio after which it can be placed and updated like a regular Revit model on your table.

loading_3.png loading_4.png



Exporting from Arkio back to BIM 360

You can also export your Arkio models back to BIM 360 once Arkio is linked to your BIM 360 account. This is useful when you don't have access to Revit but still like to provide the team with a Revit file with all the geometry you created in Arkio, or if you would like to export several design options to link and compare into your Revit worksharing project.



To set up the default folder for your Arkio export you can log in to the Arkio BIM 360 portal and select the desired project folder on the left side of the page. With the preferred folder selected you can click on the top "Set to currently selected" button.

When you export a model from Arkio to BIM 360  it will appear with the name "Arkio_..." placed in the selected export folder on BIM 360. It's currently only possible to convert Arkio creations to Revit files with Generic Models using this approach as we plan to add other export settings later.






Additional Information

Known Issues

- Models exported from BIM 360 to Arkio will be cleared on the server after 24 hours (local imports will remain in Arkio)

- All categories, Worksets, and visible 3D elements will be exported unless you save and publish a view in Revit named "Arkio" with the required visibility settings

- Large and complex models will take a longer time to export and could fail, we advise starting with smaller projects first

- If a model is saved in Revit 2018 or earlier it needs to be updated first, this will result in long export times

- Custom (Non-Autodesk) textures will not be included in the export

- Export back to BIM 360 is missing some features compared to our normal Arkio Revit plugin (converting to masses, loading custom families, parameters, and materials)


Company Name: Arkio
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Author/Company Information


Support Information

More information can be found in our support centre If you run into issues when installing or importing or exporting files you can contact us at

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Minor updates and fixes


Initial release


Initial release
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