Buzzsaw Migration Service
, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Users and administrators can configure their migrations in a few quick steps using our Migration Plan wizard:
To migrate Buzzsaw data, please create a new "Buzzsaw Migration" by clicking the start button.
Select Buzzsaw as your source system, connect by inserting your services URL, Username and Password. (Please note: Services URL is determined according to site name https://webdav.buzzsaw.com/[Site Name] or https://ap-webdav.buzzsaw.com/[Site Name])
Select and Search the content you want to transfer, and whether to include subfolders and the parent folder and click Save & Continue.
Select your target system, and click Set.
Select or create the destination folder you want to transfer the data to, and click Save & Continue. The Optional Settings screen appears.
Apply additional settings if needed, for example, whether to overwrite files or whether to apply filter according to the creation and modification dates. (Note that version settings are coming soon). Click Skip or Save & Continue.
Click Start migration now to start the migration, or schedule the migration for later.
To monitor the migration and see reports, select the Activity tab.
Please note: BIM 360 Admins need to authenticate Cloudsfer's application before starting the migration process. BIM 360 Admins can find the Cloudsfer BIM 360 Integration in Account Administration under the “Apps” tab. Select to add to your BIM 360 Account.
Additional Information
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Support is available for any question, issue or Inquiry.
24/7 availability by Email.
Schedule a call, demonstration or a share screen meeting when needed.
Chat available in Application and Website.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
---|---| |
UI updates Minor Bug fixes Updating new fetures |
2.5.2 |
UI updates Minor Bug fixes |