

, English

Constru leverages computer vision and AI to provide clarity and efficiency for construction projects. This includes auto-detection of discrepancies (plan vs build) and creating them as BIM 360 issues.

General Usage Instructions


Add the app to your Autodesk® BIM 360® Account: BIM 360 admins can find the Constru in BIM 360 Account Admin under the “Apps” tab. To add the app to your BIM 360 account, select the Constru and click “Add to BIM 360". 

First setup:

  1. In Constru APP go to the “Integrations” screen
  2. Click “Activate” in the BIM 360 card to go to the BIM 360 Integration settings
  3. Select the Hub and click Next to select the respective BIM 360 project
  4. You can see that the integration is active. You can Click “Deactivate” to deactivate the integration or “Go to Setting” to edit it
  5. Click “Finish” to setup the setting. You can click “Back” to return to the previous screen and edit if needed.
  6. Select your BIM 360 Project and click “Save”


General use:

  1. Go to the “Discrepancies List” screen. You can see the BIM 360 icon on the right side of each discrepancy. In case the discrepancy is not exported yet to BIM 360, clicking the icon will export it. In case it is already exported, clicking the icon will open it in BIM 360
  2. Go to the “Discrepancy Detail” screen
  3. Click the BIM 360 icon to export it to BIM 360. A form will be opened with pre-filled information as well as relevant attachments
  4. Fill out the form to add more info
  5. Click “Send to BIM 360” to create an issue in BIM 360
  6. If you have not done it for a while, you will be requested by Autodesk to authorize the Application
  7. Click “Allow”. The discrepancy will be created as an issue in BIM 360, and an “Open in BIM 360” link will be displayed
  8. Click “Open in BIM 360” to manage the issue in BIM 360



Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Constru
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Create\update Issues in BIM 360/ACC
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