

, English

Revizto SA
Revizto is a real-time issue tracking software for Architecture-Engineering-Construction with a focus on collaboration and BIM project coordination.

General Usage Instructions


Add Revizto integration to your Autodesk® BIM 360® Account: BIM 360 admins can find the Revizto integration in BIM 360 Account Admin under the “Apps” tab. To add the app to your BIM 360 account, select the app and click “Add to BIM 360".


Usage Instructions:

Follow these instructions to access your BIM 360 documents in the Revizto application:

  1. Install and launch the Revizto desktop application and open the project that you want to access your BIM 360 documents.
  2. Go to Edit/Integrations.
  3. Next to Autodesk BIM 360, press “Connect Project”.
  4. Select an appropriate BIM 360 Hub.
  5. Select an appropriate BIM 360 project.
  6. Press “Connect to BIM 360”. You will see the message “The project was successfully connected to BIM 360”.
  7. Press “Continue”.
  8. Now in the tab Docs, you can see the content of the selected BIM 360 project. Use it in Revizto for attaching to issues, creating sheets and so on.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Revizto SA
Company URL:
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Revizto SA

Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


• New integration with BIM 360 Docs and BIM 360 Team for Revizto Documents. It includes the ability to browse BIM 360 hosted files within Revizto, attach them to issues, and convert hosted PDFs to sheets. • 2D gallery: visual indicators for sheets hosted on Box/Procore/BIM 360. • 2D gallery: new sheet filter by the number of total issues. • Image viewer in Issue Tracker attachments and Docs: the ability to open any image as 360 panoramas. • Docs: checkboxes for group operations moved to the left side + some other visual tweaks.
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