Fuzor Construction

Fuzor Construction

, English

Kalloc Studios
Fuzor Construction enables companies to create detailed 4D sequence animation and construction methodologies simulation to maximize productivity and sync field data to PC via BIM360 platform.

General Usage Instructions

  1. Open a 4D .che file in the Fuzor VDC PC version
  2. Go to “4D Simulation” and click “Log In” to the Autodesk® BIM 360® account
  3. Click “Cloud Settings” and click “Create File” to upload a Fuzor mobile file to BIM 360
  4. Install Fuzor VDC mobile app to Apple devices
  5. Click the “BIM 360” tab to login BIM 360
  6. Download the Fuzor mobile file from BIM 360 to Apple devices
  7. Click the 4D tab in the VDC mobile to show the schedule
  8. Click the activities to apply for the status
  9. Go to the Home button and click “Cloud Sync” to synchronize the changes back Fuzor VDC PC version
  10. Go to the Fuzor VDC PC version and click “Download” under the 4D Simulation tab
  11. Click “Apply Status” to update the status of the 4D model

For a detailed manual, please refer to Fuzor 2022 User Manual Version 1.0 (kalloctech.com)




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Kalloc Studios
Support Contact: support@kalloc.com

Author/Company Information

Kalloc Studios

Support Information

If you encounter any issues, you can contact us via https://www.kalloctech.com/contact.jsp

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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