Version Calendar

Version Calendar

, English

Ahmad Atyeh
This is a useful app that displays every version that was updated according to a Calendar.

General Usage Instructions

First, go to the website.

When the user clicks on the Autodesk Sign in button, it will display ‘Show me the Steps’ option.

To integrate the app with Autodesk® BIM 360® steps are provided in ‘Show me the Steps’ option.

Once integration is done, you can use the app as follows.

Navigate through the calendar months by clicking the arrow at the top.

Click on the files to display them in the 3D viewer.  


For more details about the app integration and functionality see the video tutorial in the 'Screenshots' section.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Author/Company Information

Ahmad Atyeh

Support Information

If you need any help contact me.


Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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