iviva Smart BIM

iviva Smart BIM

, English

Eutech Cybernetic
Take your BIM to operations with iviva Smart BIM.

General Usage Instructions

This is a trial product for you to understand iviva Smart BIM and figure out how it could be adapted to your building operations. When you request a trial account, we will prepare it and send the information to you within one working day.

The Trial account is valid for one month and intended for evaluation purposes. You do not need to provide payment instructions until you decide to use it beyond the trial.

After logging in, you will be guided through onboarding videos to play around iviva Smart BIM. When you are ready to try it out with your own Autodesk® Revit® file, you may follow instructions to have us upload your BIM file to Forge, or alternatively, choose to upload and translate it on your own.

When you are ready to try it out with your own building, let us know. We will guide you on how to proceed.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Eutech Cybernetic
Support Contact: support@ecyber.com

Author/Company Information

Eutech Cybernetic

Support Information

Trial account is fully functional however; you will need further instructions when you are ready to explore iviva Smart BIM deeper. Please contact us at support@iviva.com when you are ready for the followings:

•Try connecting to a BACnet, OPC or Modbus building controller

•Make a custom interface to connect to an IoT device/system

•Explore other iviva apps in conjunction with Smart BIM

•Use your own Autodesk® BIM 360® or Autodesk Forge™ account

•Modify Cards (user interfaces) or introduce new cards

•Modify filters or introduce new filters


If you are already familiar with the necessary technologies, we would be happy to assist you with samples. Alternatively, we could arrange a training session or connect you with a partner who would be able to assist you with your project.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Smart BIM now aggregates models on the browser at runtime hence practically eliminates the limitation of supporting large BIMs. As long as individual files are in a manageable size, the user is now able to choose to view/hide models on the fly. This version also comes with various other enhancements.


Introducing iviva Smart BIM
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