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VT-Platform centralizes communication and boosts efficiency by enabling construction workers to use BIM models in XR with simple, clear tools via mobile devices or XR headsets, streamlining tasks.

General Usage Instructions

How to Use VT-Platform

Sign Up: Register on our website to get started. You’ll receive a 30-day free trial of the platform.

Create and Manage Projects: Connect to Autodesk Construction Cloud® using the Integrations button to sync your account. You can select the projects and IFC models along with the issues that you want to sync between ACC and VT-Platform. From the web platform, you can manage your projects or create new ones to work with in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (XR).

Work with Your BIM Model: On the web platform, select your project to view available files and issue details in a dashboard. Use the Web Viewer to visualize your model and work with tools like Issue Tracking, create categories, or consult BIM Info.

Issue Tracking: This is the VT-Platform tool that syncs with ACC issues. To ensure everyone has the latest issue versions, click the Sync button in the issue list. Issues created in the VT-Platform will appear in the ACC project issue list.

Using AR: Download the VT-Platform app on your compatible mobile device.

  • Log in and select the project and model you want to view.
  • Choose the level of the model you want to view and align the sync point icon on the architectural plan, then overlay this point from the digital model onto the real world.
  • You can manually adjust the position or use a QR code to align it automatically.
  • Start viewing and working with your BIM model in AR.

Explore AR Tools: Use tools like Measure, Opacity, BIM Info, or Issue Tracking.

  • Issues created in AR sync automatically with the VT-Platform web, VR, and ACC.

Using XR: In your XR headset, download and log into the app.

  • After selecting your project and file, you will view the model in scale mode. Use the controllers to move, adjust, or position the model in the real world.
  • Like in AR, explore tools and sync information in real-time in both Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality.

Stay Connected: Make sure you have an active internet connection for real-time syncing.

Bring your ACC issue workflows to the construction site easily. Enjoy working more efficiently and boosting productivity with VT-Platform!

For more detailed information, please refer to our tutorials.




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: VT-Lab
Support Contact: support@vt-lab.com

Author/Company Information


Support Information

Need Help? Contact VT-Platform Support

Our customer support team is here to assist you with any questions or issues. Reach out to us anytime: support@vt-platform.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Enhanced BIM model overlay for greater accuracy and clarity. Improved performance and user-friendly workflows.
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