

Using Docs Manager users can manage documents, issues, and reports as per requirements. Users can upload and download the documents in bulk. 

It will also manage the attributes of issue and documents



  • Bulk upload documents in Autodesk® BIM 360® account.
  • Create the directory structure as per requirements.
  • Create issues in BIM Account and attach the document with it.
  • Manage attributes of documents and issues.
  • Download the drawing and PDF document with or without markups.
  • Manage all BIM account details in the database.
  • Generate reports of documents and issues.


Note: We provide the customization of tools as per requirements.

Próbaverzió leírása


Verzió 60.0.2, 2021. 10. 06.
Add the PDF download with or without markups

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

3. Login page. It will login into the Autodesk account to further process.


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