CTC CIM Manager Suite 2025

CTC CIM Manager Suite 2025

Win64, English

CTC Software
The app contains Autodesk® Civil 3D® tools for efficient CAD management, including content and template creation and editing, and three commands that are available in all Autodesk® AutoCAD® platforms.

General Usage Instructions

Refer to the command information for more details on the command usage.

Commands available in AutoCAD and its platforms: Linetype Manager, Export DWG Layers, Create/Edit Drawing Layers.

Commands available in Civil 3D only: Linetype Manager, Template Tracker, Export Object Layer, Create/Edit Object Layer, Export DWG Layers, Create/Edit Drawing Layers, Export Description Key Set, Create or Edit Description Key Set, Export Figure Prefix Database, Create or Edit Figure Prefix Database.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


Allows modification of linetype files and linetypes. This command works in all AutoCAD products.


Export Civil 3D Object Layer settings to an Excel spreadsheet.


Sync and add Civil 3D Object Layer settings from any Excel spreadsheet.


Export AutoCAD Layer Properties Manager settings to an Excel spreadsheet. This command works in all AutoCAD products.


Sync and add AutoCAD Layer Properties settings from any Excel spreadsheet. This command works in all AutoCAD products.


Track the use of Layers, Text, Dimension, and Leader Styles.


Create and edit Description Key Sets from an Excel spreadsheet.


Export Description Key Set settings to an Excel spreadsheet.


Export Figure Prefix Database settings to an Excel spreadsheet.


Create and edit Figure Prefix Database from an Excel spreadsheet.


The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button, or use the standard Windows application manager as you would to uninstall any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: CTC Software

Author/Company Information

CTC Software

Support Information

For product support, please visit https://ctcsoftware.com/support.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Style Manager -- - Enhancement: Added the ability to sort the order of columns in the display grid and remember after closing - Bug Fix: Resolves an issue that wasn't recognizing child styles within label styles when used Survey Template Manager -- Bug Fix: Resolves an issue that was causing an error when child styles are used within the description keys


Survey Template Manager -- Bug Fix: Resolves an issue that wasn't returning licenses to the pool and locking out other users when licenses are limited. Template Tracker -- Bug Fix: Resolves an issue that was erroring the tool when styles have null values in the text fields.


Entire Suite -- - New Feature: Now supports Civil 3D 2025 Layer Boss -- - Enhancement: Updated the error messaging when creating object and drawing layers that will provide the user with information to find and correct any errors detected.


Survey Template Manager -- - Enhcancement: Added change report color coding to the import grid for description key sets and figure data base edits


Layer Boss -- - New Feature: Enabled layer state export and import for external references in the host drawing using referenced drawing layers name as the prefix Style Manager -- - Bug Fix: Resolves an error that was being thrown, which was related to regional settings in windows.


Template Tracker: - Enhancements to tracking all components, added layer and text styles, change text styles Style Manager: - New Feature: Added option to remove text in the find/replace window form


This version supports Civil 3D 2024


IMPORTANT: This product is in the new "CTC CIM Suites" unified installer, which no longer requires administrative privileges to install. Template Tracker -- Enhancement: Added the ability to track corridors


Suite bug fix: Resolved Issue with the Borrow License process for Cloud Shared Licensing


Now supports Civil 3D 2023 Now supports new Cloud Shared Licensing model Layer Boss: Enhancement -- Added the option to force case sensitivity when searching for layer names to edit.


Template Tracker - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where Template Tracker was erroring when dealing with legacy dimension styles and blocks. Fixed an issue where certain Civil 3D styles were causing Template Tracker to error. Linetype Manager - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where importing linetypes originally created in Microstation was causing Linetype Manager to error out. Linetype Manager - Enhancement - Enhanced the feature for importing linetypes from drawings to allow importing of all linetype definitions from the current drawing.


Template Tracker - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where pressure network band styles were causing Template Tracker to error out. Fixed many issues where certain mleaders, layers, text styles and dimension style references were not found in the drawing. Fixed an issue where sorting by layer in layer editing dialog box caused an error. Fixed an issue where certain drawings would cause a looping error when opening Template Tracker – Enhancement - Added support for Pressure Network related references can now be tracked (2022 version only). CIM Manager Suite-wide - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where custom subassemblies were breaking when CIM Manager Suite was installed. Layer Boss - Enhancement - Added legend in import results to better understand the different color coding of results. Added column header filters to excel export. Layer Boss - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where the layers export dialog box wasn't stretching components correctly. Fixed an issuye where, when the user settings in the user appdata folder did not exist, the app would error out. Fixed an issue where french color spellings were not recognized when export to or syncing from Excel. Fixed an issue where the description column would sometimes be empty when exporting to Excel. Adjust button order on import function to be more industry standard. Layer Boss - New Feature - Add a new column to the excel export titled "New Name". This will allow users to change layer names in excel, then upon syncing back to the dwg, the layer name will change, but all references to that layer will stay intact. Linetype Manager - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where certain .shx files could not be read. Fixed an issue where some linetypes would not import. Added support for include periods (.) in the linetype name. Survey Template Manager - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where block references in point styles were not updated when exporting to Excel. Fixed an issue where multiple description key sets were appearing in the app, but did not exist in the drawing.


Layer Boss - Bug Fix - Removed case sensitivity for layer settings. Fixed issue where single quotes weren't allowed in layer names. Fixed an issue where RGB colors were not holding during export and import. Fixed issue where spaces in layer names were causing errors. Fixed an issue where certain linetype definitions were causing an error on import. Linetype Manager - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where unique shx files would cause linetype manager to freeze. Template Tracker - Bug Fix - Fixed an issue where certain Mleader styles would cause template tracker to fail.


Added compatibility for Civil 3D 2021. Added support for five recent versions of Civil 3D, formerly four. Now supports 2017-2021. Template Tracker: Fixed issues where text or dimension styles embedded in blocks, mass haul view styles, profile view styles, and leaders were not found or were causing Template Tracker to fail.


Suite Enhancement: Compatibility for metric and French civil 3D added. Layer Boss Bug Fix: Fixed issue causing an error when Layer Boss was looking for plot styles in CTB-based drawings. Linetype Manager Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where inserting of edited linetypes into the current drawing was causing objects referencing those linetypes to lose their reference to the linetype. Also fixed an issue where the plan readable setting was not working. Linetype Manager Enhancement: Added functionality for all three types of text or shape rotation types: relative, upright, and absolute.


Layer Boss Enhancement: For swap layer functionality when syncing drawing layers, added layers from both Excel sheet and current drawing to the dropdown list. Changed how column matching works between Excel and drawing: syncing now matches column names instead of order, and prompts if there a header typos. Layer Boss Bug Fix: Fixed issues with syncing certain Excel files with drawings. Fixed issue when browsing for dwg/dwt files, the last location was not remembered. Fixed issue where an Excel file with a Plot Style column could not sync with a CTB-based drawing. Layer Boss New Feature: When exporting layers to Excel new options to include linetypes from selected .lin file, plot styles from the current STB file (STB-based drawings only), and colors of current layer definition. Added section for handling Layers referenced in Description Key Sets in the report. Survey Template Manager Bug Fix: Addressed issue where an empty value for Site caused an error. If the Site field is empty in Excel during syncing Survey Site will be inserted by default in the Figure DB. Addressed issue where some unique Excel files and drawings were causing crashing. Template Tracker Bug Fix: Addressed issue where swapping text styles on unique selections of references was not allowing the swap dialog to appear. Linetype Manager Bug Fix: Addressed issue where unique text style names in .lin files were causing an error. Addressed issue where the preview isn't available when there are multiple printer support paths specified in Options. Linetype Manager New Feature: Added support for unique text styles being reflected in the preview. Text styles definitions are based on the current drawing when Linetype Manager is opened. Survey Template Manager Enhancement: Improved Excel export formatting. General: Addressed suite-wide issues with licensing permissions.


Upon uninstallation, installer now removes CIM Manager Suite.MNR files from user APPDATA folder. Simplified number of help buttons in apps. Added functionality for help file access when hovering over button and pressing F1. Template Tracker: Reference objects' naming standard improved. Improved app refresh speed. Template Tracker: Resolved issue causing crashing when Layers referenced in Profile Band Styles. Resolved issue with swapping Dimension Styles across multiple reference types. Resolved issue with double-clicking on Block references. Layer Boss: Resolved issue causing crashing when Object Layer commands were attempted. Linetype Manager: Added functionality to insert Linetype definitions into current drawing, and to copy a Linetype definition. Increased size of preview window height.
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