Grade Slope Along Surface

Grade Slope Along Surface

Win64, English

Red Transit Consultants, LLC
Creates a 3D polyline at a desired grade or slope along a tin surface.

General Usage Instructions

The app is quite easy to use beginning by prompting for a tin surface.

Next, the user may enter the desired grade/slope (default value is 2.00%) or pick the start point for the 3D Polyline.

After selecting the start point, the app will show two arrows at the grade/slope value, if applicable.

The user can again adjust the grade/slope as desired and the arrows will reflect the entered value.

Entering a grade/slope of a negative value will indicate a downslope, positive indicates an upslope.

Picking a point on one side or the other will plot the 3D Polyline in that direction until the desired grade/slope can no longer be achieved.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description


Creates a 3D polyline at a desired grade or slope along the tin surface.



1. Download the MSI installer from the Autodesk App Store – it may have already started downloading after purchasing.

2. Close Autodesk® Civil 3D®.

3. Install the MSI installer downloaded in step 1. The application will install to the directory below – all contents will be held within a respective bundle folder.

    a. C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins

4. At this time, it is important to determine if you desire a network license installation or a standalone license installation. Please see the respective links below based on your determination of license type. Additionally, please read the up about Red Transit Consultants, LLC licensing on our website; link provided below.

    a. Standalone License Instructions

    b. Network License Instructions

    c. Licensing: TBD

5. Launch Civil 3D. Depending on which licensing option chosen, you may be prompted to select your license file. You should see a ribbon tab called Pipe Network Tools containing all of the tools the app provides.

Additional Information


Known Issues

The app will only process on tin surfaces. If the entered grade/slope exceeds a possible slope, the green graphic arrows representing that grade/slope will not appear.


Company Name: Red Transit Consultants, LLC

Author/Company Information

Red Transit Consultants, LLC

Support Information

Contact at any time for support at

Version History

Version Number Version Description

Upgraded for 2023 product (No change in version number). Updated for 2022 version.

Modified licensing system so that in Network licensing situations the app only obtains a license when a command is executed. Autodesk® Civil 3D® still has to be closed to release the license.

Licensing system has been changed to Flexera. We now offer network licensing capabilities as well as other features.
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