Block Attribute Editor and PDF Publisher

Digitally signed app
The Block Attribute Editor and PDF Publisher offer a comprehensive suite of tools for managing blocks and their attributes. Users can also perform batch PDF export of title blocks with any naming convention.
Visual Block and Attribute Status Management: Users can check the usage of blocks in each file, verify if attributes within the blocks are synchronized, and identify any discrepancies.
Effortless Sync Attribute and Replace Block: Users can selectively synchronize attributes for any block in any file. If a block definition is outdated, it can be easily replaced across multiple files to maintain consistency in the drawings.
Advanced Attribute Management (Video): Utilize built-in functionalities for managing attributes, including:
- Support for Undo and Redo, Copy and Paste.
- Increment or decrement numeric attributes.
- Smart fill-down to propagate attribute values from the top of the list.
- Find Replace, and add prefix/suffix to attributes.
- Combine attributes within a block to create new values.
Streamlined Drawing Revisions (Video): Easily manage drawing revisions using block's attributes.
Excel Integration (Video): Export attributes to Excel for advanced processing, then import the results back.
Batch PDF Export (Video)
- Export to PDF the title block, even if the block is on model space.
- Customize file naming by combining block attributes to meet any naming standards.
- Override printing settings on the fly, enabling quick switching between different settings without pre-configuration.
Network License option is available, starting from 3 floating licenses. Please contact us at support@digi-ants.com for more information.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).