Line Totals
This app is a great solution when you need to quickly determine the total length of multiple lines. This is helpful when trying to run a quantity report represented by lines in a drawing or area of the drawing. Along with the total length of lines, the number of lines selected is also provided.
This app allows you to select multiple line entities and will provide the total length of the selected lines. An entire area of a drawing can be selected and the app will filter out only line entities.
There is also a command that provides a report feature to generate a Microsoft Excel report with each line’s start point and length, the total number of lines selected, and the total length of the selected lines.
About This Version
Version 1.1.0, 10/30/2020
Added 2020 and 2021 support.
Es muy buena esta aplicación, una pena que no funciona aun en la versión 2023