JTB Align Plus


Two advance JTB_Align_Any and JTB_Align_Objects commands will copy and align your text, block or selection of objects at the picked point of selected line or curve. Curve can be Arc, Circle, Polyline, Leader or 3D Polyline, in current space as well as nested inside Blocks or Xrefs.


Text will be aligned and placed at the same offset distance as text in current dimension style. Block will be aligned and fit tangentially to curve. You can press TAB key or type F to flip aligned object(s) to either sides; Type O to move object(s) to specified offset distance; Type R to rotate object(s); Right click on line or curve to move object(s) rather than copy; Type U to undo previous action.


More interesting, if you pick on text or block, or on empty space, Match Text Content or Match Block command will run, help you easily manage your drawing's tags and symbol blocks. (See demo preview videos)


The "plus" commands are: 

1.     JTB_Make_Table (MTB): Make an ACAD table and MS. Excel table from texts. 

2.     JTB_Align_Quick (ALQ): Quickly line up texts and block's insertion points. 

3.     JTB_DimScale (DSC): Change the dimension scale and linetype scale accordingly. 

4.     JTB_DimSpace (DSP): Adjust space within linear and aligned dimension objects. 

5.     JTB_DimBreak (DBR): Break dimensions lines, or trim/extend dimensions extension lines.



Once you have purchased a license, use the JTBW_Activate_Apps command to get your computer name and email to JTB World for the activation key. This command is available on the command line only. Before being activated, the app will run for 30 days without limitations, after this it will only work on drawings with less than 500 objects in model space.


You can visit our web page at http://jtbworld.com/jtb-align-plus for more information.


This plugin can be tested prior to purchase by downloading the Trial app: JTB Align Plus Trial


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer). 


Verzió 5.0.0, 2024. 11. 18.
Added support for AutoCAD 2025 Request for new license key is needed.

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Align objects with mirror, flip, offset and rotate options


2 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • I love the align text tool
    Eriquoz Zouqire | március 13, 2015 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Nice tools but if you install new version of autocad or get a new computer, etc. You must request a new password.

  • very usefull little tool
    Yourspreadsheets - Www.Yourspreadsheets.Co.Uk | szeptember 10, 2013 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    works great

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