CS Artisan landscape for Autodesk® AutoCAD®

Digitally signed app
CS Artisan empowers landscape professionals to automate project workflows in an intelligent data-rich computer-aided-design (CAD) system. The web-integrated system provides the seamless flow of data from Cloud-based resources to downloaded palettes, to labels and schedules in the model. CS Artisan features fully collaborate with all current versions of AutoCAD. CS Artisan is available as a time-limited trial version or paid subscription.
Continually developed since 1995, CS Artisan is delivered as a web-integrated landscape software solution for AutoCAD. CS Artisan is built around a robust information system (Palettes – Labels – Reports). Labels are attached to single components, linear elements and areas by selecting from Palettes to define structured project information dynamically synchronized with schedules (reports) that accurately quantify model content. Planting, softworks, hard works, groundworks and site furniture utilize the same process: Palettes, labels reports.
- Palettes - created and managed centrally via the integrated CS Web App service (available separately as CS Helios). Standard practice is for organizations to create project-specific planting palettes by selecting from the extensive planting libraries or adding new content via the Custom Plants utility. Mix Libraries enable users to create and manage planting associations by defining components and percentages and then add to Palettes the same way as individual plants.
- Labels - attach planting labels to single, linear, area planting geometry and modify existing label information using the Artisan Edit and Substitute tools. The Plant Browser tool provides a centralized tool to view and manage Artisan Objects in the current CAD model.
- Reports - Artisan schedules display information from Labels placed in the model. Records are grouped/sorted and include fields and associated headers in the order defined in the report template assigned.
The Report Designer utility allows users to define or modify the Data (what is displayed and in what order) and the Format (text sizing, lines and colour fill). In the Data area, arguably the most important area is Data Filters, where users define what records are/are not included in the schedule.
Plant Browser - manage planting model content via intelligent edit + substitution tools and Plant Browser - dedicated panel showing all planting model content in a structured list view and associated graphical plan view.
Tagging – Labels are placed as Multi-Leaders and users are able to define preferences for leader style, text style, label content and display options.
Graphics – customized linetypes, hatches and graphic symbols in plan, elevation and 3D.
Design details – insert standard metric or imperial details from the Details Library; customize to add your own standard detail content.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).