Write Drawings' Names to text file
OS: Win32 and 64This app helps to export your drawing files' names which are of .dwg format to a text file.
USD 10.00 -
Fire Fighting
OS: Win32 and 64Draft pipes & fittings of a Fire Fighting System professionally and dynamically.
Trial -
Drainage Manholes Network Program
OS: Win32 and 64Professional Drainage Manholes Network Program
Trial -
Fire Fighting Auto Connect Sprinklers Program
OS: Win32 and 64Connect your Fire Sprinklers quickly, dynamically and professionally with this program.
USD 65.00 -
OS: Win32 and 64Create Flexible HVAC Ducts dynamically.
Trial -
OS: Win32 and 64Import and Insert HVAC blocks to current drawing with respect to the selected scale.
Trial -
Water Supply
OS: Win32 and 64Drafting PPR Pipes & Fittings of Water Supply System Professionally and Dynamically ( Imperial & Metric ).
Trial -
OS: Win32 and 64Dynamic Wiring program
Trial -
Virtual Tablet Navigator (VTN)
OS: Win64Virtual Tablet Navigator (VTN) is an add-on AutoLISP application using DCL to bring Autodesk® AutoCAD® physical Tablet Menu commands virtually onto the graphics screen.
Free -
Cable Reference
OS: Win32 and 64Inserts an attributed cable reference block and trims around it.
USD 3.00 -
Set Attribute Value to Date
OS: Win32 and 64Set the named attribute values of all selected blocks to the current date.
USD 3.00 -
Add Attribute Text and Dimension values
OS: Win32 and 64This routine adds (SUM) the numerical values of attributes, text, and dimensions, then places a text line with the result.
USD 5.00 -
Lock Viewport
OS: Win32 and 64Locks/Unlocks all view-ports. The program steps through each paper space tab and model space tab and locks or unlocks the viewports.
USD 3.00 -
Shift Attribute Position
OS: Win32 and 64Shifts attributes in a block at a specified angle and distance.
USD 3.00 -
Change Attribute Case in Block
OS: Win32 and 64Changes the case of text or attribute in a block.
USD 3.00 -
Ultimate Attribute Edit
OS: Win32 and 64Edit layer, color, rotation, height, style, justification, value, case, position, reverse, width factor, oblique angle, and vIsability of attributes by tag or ALL in selected blocks.
USD 5.00 -
Watson6.0 DEMO
OS: Win32 and 64Watson6.0 by Watsonlisp.com is an artificial intelligence referencing agent written in autolisp and visual basic. Watson finds detail drawings by text and attributes content! AI
Trial -
Super Selection Filter
OS: Win32 and 64This app can be used to select entities based on the properties of the selected sample entity. All supported properties of the entity will be displayed in a DCL box.
USD 3.99/Y -
Polyhedral Mesh To Solid
OS: Win32 and 64Polyhedral Mesh to Solid is for that difficult Mesh, which won’t convert to 3D Solids because of self-intersecting faces etc. It also locates the Center of Mass for a single or a group of objects.
Trial -
TL Building Repair Pro
OS: Win64Square off those crooked survey building outlines with a single mouse click.
USD 20.00/Y -
CAD MAN Text Editor
OS: Win32 and 64Edit the texts with mathematical calculations, change precision and add Suffix / Prefix.
Free -
Cursor Color
OS: Win32 and 64Change the color of the cursor.
USD 2.00 -
BLOCKTRACK – Block Position on Path
OS: Win64Allows placing block(s) or duplicates of a single block, upon a selected curved or straight object plus allows the user to slide these along the curve / edge.
Trial -
3DHRDWR PLUS – 3D Hardware Fasteners Plus+
OS: Win64Creates multiple-types of 3D screw and/or fastener hardware with a variety of head types in Imperial and Metric units. It comes with built–in post-processing tools for block modifications.