Plugin Playground

Plugin Playground

, English

Autodesk, Inc.
The Autodesk® FormIt® Plugin Playground is a plugin that helps you build plugins.

General Usage Instructions

Launch Formlt and go to Plugin Manager in the right-side toolbar. You’ll find the plugin under the Recommended section.

An example plugin comes loaded with the Plugin Playground.

  • Click the Play button to run a plugin.

This will display a plugin with 3 number inputs and a button to create a block. Go ahead and test the plugin, which will create a cube based on the input values.

  • Want to see the code behind the plugin? Click the Edit button.

This launches a dialog that shows the main pieces to any FormIt plugin: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

  • Make some modifications to this code, and when you're ready to see the results, click the Play button again.

Save your work


As you work on your plugin, you'll want to save your progress. To make this possible, we have integrated GitHub directly into the Plugin Playground. 

  1. Log in to GitHub and allow FormIt to have access to your repositories (projects).
  2. Create a project. Type in a name and click the + button.

     3. In a few moments, the newly created project will appear in your projects list. Select the project to load it. This will load the same default plugin as above because this is the default state of a plugin.

     4. You can work as before and use the Save button to save your progress.

    5. You can also find and edit your files in the GitHub interface or another editor of your choice. To access the files in GitHub, use the GitHub button.

Ready to share?

When you're ready to share with others, use the bullhorn (Publish) icon to publish your project!




Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Autodesk, Inc.

Author/Company Information

Autodesk, Inc.

Support Information

For FormIt support please post your questions to the FormIt Forum

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Initial release
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