

Win64, English

Thomas A
AnyShortcut is an Autodesk® Fusion 360® add-in for assigning keyboard shortcuts to almost any command. It also has some built-in commands (e.g. Look at Sketch and Activate (containing) Component)

General Usage Instructions

Built-in Commands

The built-in commands are always visible in the AnyShortcut menu. Assign shortcuts to them in the usual way.

Built-in commands include:

  • Look At Sketch
  • Look At Selected or Sketch
  • Activate (containing) Component
  • Move history marker backward/forwards
  • View orientation
  • Repeat the last command  


Command Recording

When enabled, the add-in records the resulting commands of actions that the user performs and collects them in the AnyShortcut menu. The commands in the menu can then be assigned shortcut keys in a regular way.

If not stopped, the recording stops automatically after a number of commands, to avoid any performance degradation when the user is not setting up shortcuts.

* Not all actions in Fusion 360 result in "Commands" and some commands are not usable on their own. For example, Pick Circle/Arc Tangent does not generate a "Command" and Roll History Marker Here is triggered when clicking rewind in the history, but rewind actually first selects an item and then rolls. 

Command Recorder Usage

To set up a shortcut:

  1. Click Enable recording and then perform the command you want to create a shortcut for
  2. If you are lucky, the command will now have appeared at the bottom of the AnyShortcut menu
  3. Find the command in the menu and click the three dots to assign a shortcut as usual

To remove a shortcut, follow the same procedure. Hint: You can press the shortcut to trigger the command to be run.



Ribbon/Toolbar Icon Command Command Description

Look at Sketch

Rotates the view to look at the sketch currently being edited. No action is performed if a sketch is not being edited.

Look At Selected or Sketch

Rotates the view to look at, in priority order: 1. The selected object, if any 2. The sketch being edited

Activate (containing) Component

Activates the selected component. If no component is selected, the component directly containing the selected object is activated.

Repeat Last Command

A "Repeat" command where you can assign a shortcut.

Timeline commands

Roll timeline back and forth, with keyboard shortcuts.

View Orientation commands

Rotate the view to standard views, such as Top and Left, using keyboard shortcuts.

Command Recorder

Records the Fusion 360 commands you perform and lets you add shortcuts to them.



The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. Or, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. 

Uninstall :

You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.

Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion 360.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button.

Or, you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel/Programs and Features' (Windows 10/11), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.

Additional Information


The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Known Issues

Be aware of the following quirks in Fusion 360.

  • Even though you've added a shortcut, it might not show up next time you restart Fusion 360. However, the shortcut still works and you see it if you open Change Keyboard Shortcut. (You can also verify using KeyboardShortcutsSimple)
  • Fusion 360 cannot handle all key combinations. Forget Alt+Left to roll back history, because Fusion 360 cannot save this combination and it will be broken next time you start Fusion 360.
  • Menu items in sub-menus are not always clickable (bug). However, you don't need to be able to click the commands to map a shortcut!


Author/Company Information

Thomas A

Support Information

Feel free to send an e-mail if there are problems with the add-in, or even better, report them here. Please describe exactly what to do to trigger the problem. Also, include any error messages.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


* Fix selecCmd error for Look At commands. #12
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