ExactFlat Online Publisher

ExactFlat Online Publisher

Mac OS, English

Tri-D Technologies
Automatically export 3D Autodesk® Fusion 360™ Models to ExactFlat Online for 2D Flattening and Pattern Making.

General Usage Instructions

The Workflow for ExactFlat Online 3D to 2D Flattening is documented in simple-to-follow video tutorials found in the online Help system. The User Interface layout also follows a sequential left-to-right path making it easy for users to determine the next step after any operation. Once users have a model in Fusion 360 the process is as follows

1. Combine faces into Pieces and then Publish the 3D Surfaces  (via the Plugin) from Fusion 360 for flattening in ExactFlat Online.

2. Flatten the 3D pieces into 2D flat pattern pieces with ExactFlat Online.

◦ Select the Pieces to Flatten
◦ Refine the Piece Mesh for improved accuracy
◦ Flatten the piece with a single mouse click or touch on your tablet
◦ View the resulting flat pieces and Optimize areas of high strain or sag
◦ Add seams and Notches and then arrange the pattern layout

3. Download the pattern layout and send it to your plotter and/or cutter. (subscription required)





The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the app/plug-in.

OR, simply double-click the PKG to install the app.



You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.

Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion 360.

- Navigate to/ApplicationsPlugins and select the app you want to uninstall

- Either drag the application icon to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”

- Right-click on the Trash can and select “Empty Trash”

- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Tri-D Technologies
Support Contact: support@exactflat.com

Author/Company Information

Tri-D Technologies

Support Information

Contact the ExactFlat Support team via email at support@exactflat.com or by using the Support Ticket found on the ExactFlat Online login page or Help Menu.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


3.0.0 - Updated to support direct integration between Fusion 360 and ExactFlat Online version 3.0. 3.0.1 - Fix unit conversion issues. 3.0.2 - Fix deleted piece issues (FogBugz case 3878) 3.1.0 - Fix face selection issues reported Oct 1, 2017 3.1.3 - Adds mesh output size control. Accounts for small gaps in the Fusion model as well as duplicate face creation during CAD translations. 3.1.4 - Updates to enable compatibility with the Sept 2019 update for Fusion 360.


3.0.0 - Updated to support direct integration between Fusion 360 and ExactFlat Online version 3.0. 3.0.1 - Fix unit conversion issues. 3.0.2 - Fix deleted piece issues (FogBugz case 3878) 3.1.0 - Fix face selection issues reported Oct 1, 2017 3.1.3 - Adds mesh output size control. Accounts for small gaps in the Fusion model as well as duplicate face creation during CAD translations
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