Ultimaker Digital Factory for Autodesk® Fusion®

Ultimaker Digital Factory for Autodesk® Fusion®

Win64, English

Autodesk, Inc.
The Addin is a connector between Autodesk® Fusion® and the "Ultimaker Digital Factory".

General Usage Instructions

  • Download and Install this Addin
  • Run Fusion
  • The Addin gets loaded after installation automatically, when you select an Ultimaker printer setup: Manufacture Workspace → New Setup → Select "Additive", find your Ultimaker printer → OK
  • In the ribbon top right the Addin logo appears and you can open the connection dialog by clicking on it
  • If you don't have an account yet for the "Ultimaker Digital Factory" you can create one by following the instructions in the Addin browser window from inside Fusion
  • Log in to the "Ultimaker Digital Factory" from inside the Addin
  • Once you are logged into the site, you can upload your whole Setup - which equals a "Project" on the site - to the Ultimaker service
    • Alternatively, you can select existing projects to continue working on from the selection in the Addin
  • The workflow then continues on the Ultimaker site, which opens directly with you already logged in.
    • Projects will also be identified by a preview of the first setup you have uploaded in addition to the name and description you have provided
    • It is also possible to upload the gcode file from Fusion onto the Ultimaker site. This allows the users to send their gcode file directly to their connected printer via the Ultimaker Digital Factory
  • Multiple Uploads to an existing project adds the models you have currently in your setup to the online project on the Ultimaker site (as a 3MF file)




Double-click the downloaded installer from Autodesk App Store to install the app/plug-in.

You can deactivate the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.
Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion.


- go to 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 10/11), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.

OR, rerun the installer and select the "Uninstall" button.

Additional Information

Start the Add-In

The add-in gets automatically activated when you create a setup in the manufacturing space with an Ultimaker Additive printer.

Two command buttons will appear on the top right of the ribbon: 

  • Upload to Ultimaker Digital Factory
  • Open Ultimaker Digital Factory in Browser

The first one will open a dialog allowing you to log on to the "Ultimaker Digital Factory" and upload your project from Fusion, the second one opens the "Ultimaker Digital Factory" website.

Once you are logged in to the Ultimaker Digital Factory within the dialog that comes up when you select "Upload to Ultimaker Digital Factory", a third command button will become visible in the ribbon: 

  • Sign out from Ultimaker Digital Factory

The third option allows you to log off and close your dialog. 

Overview of Supported Commands

These are the currently supported functions in the Addin for the "Ultimaker Digital Factory":

  • User registration
  • Link to the "Ultimaker Digital Factory" website
  • User login / logout
  • Link for terms and conditions
  • Persistence and transfer of login information for the "Ultimaker Digital Factory"
  • Creating and uploading new projects from an existing additive setup (for a selected Ultimaker machine)
  • Uploading generated toolpath to your project on the "Ultimaker Digital Factory"
  • Selecting existing projects and adding more models (or toolpath) to them

Known Issues


Company Name: Autodesk, Inc.

Author/Company Information

Autodesk, Inc.

Support Information

For any support questions contact additive-app-support@autodesk.com

Version History

Version Number Version Description

Changes in this version: - Updates all UltiMaker references and Icons - Fixes the issue where the upload screen is blank. - Adds an Ultimaker icon to the design workspace to all the relevant Parametric and Direct modeling tabs (Solid. Mesh, Plastic, Form etc...) that creates a setup with all bodies in your design workspace using any UltiMaker printer and print settings you select.
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