Renishaw Fixturing and Styli Add-In

Renishaw Fixturing and Styli Add-In

Mac OS, English

Autodesk Inc.
This add-in gives you access to Renishaw fixture components for building inspection fixtures in Autodesk® Fusion®. Generate instructions to build your fixture and order components (US only).

General Usage Instructions

Workflow Video:

See the following video which shows a typical workflow when using the Renishaw Fixturing and Styli Add-In.

Below is a description of each tab in the add-in.

Fixture Components Tab:

Before you import components from the Fixture Components tab, you must save your documents.

The Fixture Components tab gives you access to Renishaw fixture components which can be inserted into your Fusion document and used to build an inspection fixture.

Component Sets allow you to select the set of components you will be using to build your fixture.

Components show all of the components in the selected component set.  Each component has two buttons associated with it. 

  • The button on the left is the Insert Component button which can be used to insert a component into the active document.  Your document must contain a fixture plate before other components can be inserted, so a plate will always be the first component to be inserted.
  • The button on the right is the Add to Shopping Cart button which adds the component to your shopping cart.  The Shopping Cart functionality is currently only available in the US.


Probe Styli:

This tab is similar to the Fixture Components tab, but is for probe Styli.

Component Set is the set of components you will be working from, currently only Styli.

Components list the Styli that can be imported into your Fusion tool library.  Each Styli has two buttons associated with it.

  • The button on the left is the Insert Component button which will add the stylus to your Fusion tool library.  If a library called Renishaw does not exist in your local tool library, one will be created and the stylus will be added to that library.
  • The button on the right is the Add to Shopping Cart button which adds the stylus to your shopping cart.  The Shopping Cart functionality is currently only available in the US.


Assembly Report:

This tab generates an assembly report which includes step-by-step instructions for building the fixture with images and a bill of materials.  The first time you click the Assembly Report tab, it will automatically generate the assembly report.  After that, you must regenerate the report if any changes are made to the fixture.

Export assembly Instructions export the report as an HTML document which can be shared with others.  The HTML document can be opened in a browser.

Refresh assembly instructions allow you to regenerate the report if you have made changes or have tried to generate the report before a fixture has been built.  Please note that any custom images in the report will be deleted when the report is regenerated.

Add custom image allows you to add a custom image of the fixture without the part.  The image will be added below the default images in the report and can be deleted simply by clicking the image.

Add custom image with a part allows you to add a custom image of the fixture without the part.  The image will be added below the default images in the report and can be deleted simply by clicking the image.


Shopping Cart (US only):

The shopping cart tab allows you to order Renishaw fixture components and Probe Styli from Renishaw.

Add from catalog allows you to add individual fixture components and/or Styli to your cart.  These buttons redirect you to the appropriate tab (Fixture Components or Probe Styli) where you can use the Add to Shopping Cart button on the right side of the component you would like to add to the cart.

Add from active doc will automatically add the fixture components and/or Styli used in the active document to your shopping cart.

Trash Can Icon allows you to remove the item from the cart.

+/- allows you to change the quantity of an item in the cart.

Empty cart will remove all items from the cart.

Submit BOM will redirect you to a form that will launch in your internet browser where you can fill out the required information and submit your bill of materials to Renishaw via email.  You will receive a copy of the email sent to Renishaw and Renishaw will reach out to you to complete the order.




1. Download the installer from the Autodesk App Store.
2. Right-click on the "Downloads" folder and select "Open in Finder".
3. Right-click on the ".pkg" -> "Open With" -> "Installer".

You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.
Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion.
- Navigate to the ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall
- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”
- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”
- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Autodesk Inc.
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Autodesk Inc.

Support Information

For support, contact

Version History

Version Number Version Description


- Initial release.
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