Mac OS, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Select/unselect *Component Drag* in the Select dropdown to enable/disable component dragging in the parametric environment.
The add-in can be temporarily disabled using the *Scripts and Add-ins* dialog. Press *Shift+S* in Autodesk® Fusion 360™ and go to the *Add-Ins* tab.
1.Download the installer from Autodesk App Store.
2.Right-click on the "Downloads" folder and select "Open in Finder".
3.Right-click on the "NoComponentDrag_macos.pkg" -> "Open With" -> "Installer".
You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.
Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion 360.
- Navigate to the ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall
- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”
- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”
- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.
Additional Information
Download the add-in from the Releases page.
Unpack it into API\AddIns (see How to install an add-in or script in Fusion 360).
Make sure the directory is named NoComponentDrag, with no suffix.
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
For support or issue reporting, visit the NoComponentDrag github page and submit any problems under the 'issues' tab.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
1.0.3 |
Complete code rework. Removal of old features that are no longer needed. Updated images and screenshots. Add-in now explicitly waits until the workspace is activated to check the environment. Active maintenance passed from Thomas Axelsson to ZXYNINE Old app removed from the app store, now published by ZXYNINE (under TION) |