Custom Screw Creator
Mac OS, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
A new option will be added to the 'Insert' fly out. Select it and start to create your custom screws.
Double-click the downloaded installer from Autodesk App Store to install the app/plug-in.
You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.
Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Autodesk® Fusion 360™.
- Navigate to the ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall
- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”
- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”
- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.
Additional Information
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
If you encounter some bugs or errors, feel free to create an issue on my GitHub page or message me -> https://github.com/Bitfroest/CustomScrews
If you have troubles you can contact me, please append the custom_screws.log from your User folder, e.g. C:\Users\Fabi\CustomScrews\custom_screws.log
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
v1.3.1 |
v1.3.1 - Fixes https://github.com/Bitfroest/CustomScrews/issues/5 - Works with Fusion 360 Version 2.0.8624 (2020-07-25) v1.0 - initial MacOS version |