Haas Driver

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The Autodesk® Haas Driver® for Autodesk® Fusion® enables instant on productivity for Fusion users who have Haas Milling Machines fitted with the Haas NGC controller.


An innovative workflow enables you to automatically search for Haas machines that are connected to your shop network and instantly add them to your Fusion machine library. By reading data directly from each machine, an accurate representation of each machine configuration, settings and optional equipment fitted is created, helping to ensure the NC programs produced from Fusion run correctly on the machine chosen in the Manufacturing setup.


Using the Haas Driver, NC programs can be sent directly to the machine, or they can be stored locally if preferred. Any time an NC Program is sent to a connected machine, the machine settings and configuration is compared to the machine in the Fusion setup, with any changes in the configuration being highlighted to the user. If you use any of the Haas demountable rotary axes on your machines, these are detected automatically, and the Fusion machines can be very quickly updated so you do not need to use different post processors for different machine configurations.


The Haas Driver removes the need to source, manage and maintain different post processors for each machine. Post processors become transparent to the user as they are managed automatically by the Haas Driver which means you always have the latest and most reliable post processor created by Autodesk for the Haas machines. 

이 버전 정보

버전 1.41.3, 2024-09-13
Accommodate a change in Python version from v3.11 to v3.12 for the September 2024 release of Fusion. Fix a problem connecting to Haas machines with model name variations.

스크린샷 및 비디오

Launching Haas Driver

고객 리뷰

8 리뷰
기술 도움말 보기
  • Python version module?
    明 动 | 11월 15, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    I'm not sure where to download the Python matching Haas module.

  • Does what it's supposed to.
    Jordan Floyd | 3월 01, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Just tried this out for the first time today. Overall its a good experience. It allows me to send programs directly to the machine with pre-configured posts. Problem with that is you can't use a customized post for your machine. Unless there is a setting or option I missed. Also like to note that when sending operations through the driver it does not pull the Program Number and Comments from the setup with it. You have to manually enter those each time. Kind of a pita when proving out a program and making rapid changes. 

  • Not very well on support
    Chad Raney | 5월 05, 2023 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Any problems come up with fusion it takes days to get the support you need.  I got the haas driver installed and running only for it to find my machine and then says 0 machines added to library.  The video they have makes it look easy but now stuck without being able to use it.

    David Charles (게시자) | 5월 11, 2023

    Hi Chad, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulty, please contact birmingham.haasconnect@autodesk.com by email and I'll try to help you directly.

    Kevin Strom | 11월 16, 2023

    I am having the same Issue. It finds the machine on the network but when attempting to add the machine it says 0 machines added successfully.

  • Doesn’t install like the video says it does
    Shawn Laughlin | 10월 31, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    i have upgraded to the new version of fusion and nvidia driver,downloaded the haas driver and opened File and Installed. It is no where to be found under actions tab in manufacturing-milling. so not sure what's the problem. Maybe I have to turn something on in the settings? Didnt say I had to. Ill rate better when i get to use it

    David Charles (게시자) | 10월 31, 2022

    Hi Shawn, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing difficulty with launching the Haas Driver add-in. Within Fusion, if you select UTILITIES -> ADD-INS icon, then select the Add-Ins tab of the 'Scripts and Add-Ins' dialog, can you see an entry for HaasDriver listed? It should be running with the checkbox 'Run on Startup' selected. Try selecting HaasDriver in the list and pressing the Run button. If you still experience problems, please contact birmingham.haasconnect@autodesk.com and I'll try to help you directly.

  • It is disappointing that there is no support for MAC OS.
    Zeljko Mihajic | 10월 25, 2022

    What it takes to get this feature running on mac? 

  • No Mac support?
    Ben Wesley | 10월 03, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    No Mac support :(

  • Mac OS`
    Chance Alley | 9월 30, 2022

    When will this be available on mac??

  • Need Mac OS support
    Matt Hapgood | 9월 19, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    This driver would be great... if it were available for Mac OS


    I'm giving it 4 stars because it is such a good idea, but not 5 because Mac users can't actually use it.

    James Barnes | 9월 28, 2022


    Caleb Thompson | 10월 01, 2022

    Completely agree

    Brett Richardson | 3월 06, 2024

    here I thought this also would work on the MAC!

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